Why did Shipbuilding Decline? Lesson starter: What type of events resulted in times of decline for the shipbuilding industry?
Draw a timeline across a double page of your jotter Use two colours of pen – one for boom times and one for times of decline
Boom Times 1900 – Britain produces 70% of world ships 1900 – 1920 – High demand for passenger liners 1905 – Building up British Navy for War 1914 – 1918 Sunken ships need replacing 1935 – Rearmament for WW – 1955 – Boom Time
Times of Decline 1921 – All sunken warships had been replaced 1929 – Wall Street Crash 1929 – 1935 – The Great Depression 1955 – slump in worldwide shipbuilding 1970s – strikes in shipyards 1985 – Britain produces 2% of world ships
Today we will… Understand why Scottish Shipbuilding declined in the 20th century
There were many reasons why British production of world ships dropped by almost 80% in around a century Can you think of any? Think…Pair…Share 1. write down your ideas 2.Share them with a partner 3.Add their ideas to yours
1.You will be given a sheet with 9 reasons for the decline of shipbuilding – cut them out. 2.With a partner you need to arrange them from 1. Most important reason for decline to 9. Least important reason for decline We will then have a class discussion about our ideas…. Remember – You should be able to defend the ones you think are most important! Task 1
Glue all your reasons into a new page of your jotter under the heading: Why did Shipbuilding decline in Scotland? Task 2