Overview of 2 nd APEC Symposium on Education Reform: Themes and Goals
1985 Shanghai: Waiting for Phones 2007 China: 500 million Cell Phones
Shanghai: 1985Shanghai: 2008
Chinese Education Growth: China’s Secondary Graduates 1985: 128 million China’s Higher Education Graduates 1985: 3.1 million 2002: 260 million 2002: 13.4 million
Changing Nature of Work Increases the Need for 21 st Century Skills Preparation Source: Levy and Murnane (2004). The new division of labor. Russell Sage Foundation 4
In APEC and the world…trade spurs growth and growth spurs trade – and global job competitiveness Annual growth of real GDP per capita and real trade by size of economy, 1990–2004 Source: World Bank : World Development Indicators 3
Today’s economy means multiple jobs and on-going development to build transferable skills and competencies 20 th Century21 st Century 1 – 2 Jobs10 – 15 Jobs Critical Thinking Across Disciplines Integration of 21 st Century Skills into Subject Matter Mastery Mastery of One Field Subject Matter Mastery Number of Jobs: Job Requirement: Teaching Model: Subject Matter Mastery Integration of 21 st Century Skills into Subject Matter Mastery Assessment Model: 5
Xi’an Symposium Framework 7
The content priority areas selected for the EDNET agenda are important because content knowledge matters: "I have never met the guy who doesn't know how to multiply who created software... You need to understand things in order to invent beyond them." -- Bill Gates Source:
Math Competency Framework Non-routine problem-solving Explaining solutions Mathematics curiosity Positive attitudes Arithmetic fluencyNumbers Geometry Algebra Statistics Concepts Routine skills 21 st Century higher- order skills Attitudes
What the Xi’an Symposium Presentations Will Do Introduce 21 st Century competencies and skills for all Provide policy findings Compare standards and assessments Illustrate these through case studies in APEC content priority areas Present online learning tools to support teaching and learning in the priority areas 8
Symposium Breakout Sessions: Identify Priority Area Concerns and Initial Project Plans to Present at Peru Ministerial Priority AreaProject Area Concerns Initial Project Planning Math/science CTE Language Learning ICT/Sytemic reform Standards Assessment Curriculum Teachers Policies Other Goals Methodology Results Resources
Next Steps &Timeline Xi’an Topic Leaders identify major concerns and initial project plans, as warranted Feb-March Fill-in policy surveys Analysis of concerns and development of project plans April HRD Philippines EDNET finalizes list of project concerns and project plans, as warranted. May Topic leaders finalize Ministerial Presentations June Peru Education Ministerial Pre-Ministerial seminar Ministers identify multi- year APEC agenda
Together we can accomplish what none of us can accomplish alone: Collaboration More Collaboration More Collaboration Even More Collaboration