Lishui- A Contaminated River The Sixth Group Grade 08: Wu Jindan Jia Zhen Ye Yan Wang Tianxiao Xu Lei Li Ning Grade 07: Gao Yubing Jiang shuting Liu Yi Hu Boning Liu Bo Gu Peichuan
澧水 一条被污染的大河 Situated in northwestern Hunan Province, China, Li Shui River originates from the mountainous region of northern Sang Zhi County. It flows through Zhang Jiajie, Ci Li, Shi Men, Linli and other cities and counties by the east, then it goes into Dong Ting Lake in Xin Zhou of Li Xian County, finally flowing into Yangtze River. The total length of Li Shui River is 372 km. Most of its water flows through mountainous areas, full of rocky reefs, and its downstream is navigable.
澧水 一条被污染的大河 Lishui River A Contaminated River Uncontaminated Lishui River
澧水 一条被污染的大河 Lishui River A Contaminated River Crystal clear water of Lishui River in the past
澧水 一条被污染的大河 Half of the river channel covered by floating bubbles 还有渔船在这样的地方捕鱼 The sewage outfall toward the river like a waterfall Floats by the riverside seems like a desert Lishui River A Contaminated River Uncontaminated Lishui River
澧水 一条被污染的大河 I. Sewage Discharged by Factories 某纸厂排污口酱油色的污水直接排入澧水。 图为排污口厚厚的污水泡沫。 Cement Plants Lishui River A Contaminated River Causes for Pollution
澧水 一条被污染的大河 II. Household Sewage 澧水滚滚东流去,留下垃圾挂树梢。 In recent years, many residents living in Badagongshan Mountains’ buffer and experimental zones rushed to the downside of the mountains. The road leading into the mountains built along Lishui River, so those residents also built houses along the Lishui River, dumping household garbage into the river directly. As environmental management in some of the towns along the river is not in place, construction waste, household garbage and other solid waste were dumped at random to the Lishui River, resulting in deteriorating water quality of the Sangzhi part of Lishui River. Lishui River A Contaminated River Causes for Pollution
澧水 一条被污染的大河 III. Mineral Mining Abandoned coal mine slag and waste water were directly discharged into the river without any treatment measures. Waste water and sludge of nickel-molybdenum mine Lishui River A Contaminated River
澧水 一条被污染的大河 IV. Impact of the Upstream Hydropower Stations Because of different seasons and interception by the upstream dams, Lishui River flowing through cities experiences lower water level, and its river bed is exposed in the dry season with small volume of water, lacking vitality Lishui River A Contaminated River Causes for Pollution
澧水 一条被污染的大河 I. Enhance the treatment efforts of urban sewage and industrial wastewater (Building more sewage treatment plants) II. Promote the environmental awareness of citizens Lishui River A Contaminated River
澧水 一条被污染的大河 L e t u s s t a r t f r o m t h e l i t t l e t h i n g s b y o u r s i d e s, p r o t e c t i n g w a t e r r e s o u r c e s ! The governance of Lishui River may be a difficult process, but it is certainly that the active cooperation of every citizen is very important in the process! Expect a better tomorrow of Lishui River! Lishui River A Contaminated River
澧水 一条被污染的大河 Lishui River A Contaminated River