with verbs in present and past Suffixes with verbs in present and past
Simple prensent The simple present is used to talk abuot daily activities,habitual or repeated actions in present. Add -s , -es or –ies at the end the verbs for the third person singular (He/She/It) The importan rulers: 1.- Most of the verbs, we have to add –s at the end of the verbs for third person singular. *works *walks *swims -He works in the restaurant today 2.- When the verbs and in –sh,-ch,-x,-z,-o; add –es for the third person singular. *watches *teaches *goes -Tom watches TV in the afternoon
3.- When the verb ends in a consonat and y, drap y and add -ies for the third person. *tries *cries *studies -Peter studies at night
Simple Past Grammatical Rules To form the past simple regular verbs we use the infinitive and add the ending "-ed". The form is the same for all persons (I, you, he, she, it, we, They). 1.-For verbs that end in "e" only add "-d".
2. If the verb ends in a short vowel and a consonant (except "and" or "w"), double the final consonant and add –ed. 3. verbs that end in a consonant and a "and" change the "y" with an “-ied".