On the Move Migration Mr Boland Geography. Where in the world would you go to live and why?????


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Presentation transcript:

On the Move Migration Mr Boland Geography

Where in the world would you go to live and why?????

For hundred of years people have been migrating either to other cities and towns or to a foreign countries. Sometimes huge number of people migrate like during famines or war, and other times families and individuals migrate for personal reasons.

What have the majority of blue companies have in common????

Classification of migrants Migrants are people who move from one place to another Immigrant is someone who migrates into an area. Emmigrant is someone who migrates from an area.

According to this graph what are push and pull factors???

Pull factors are factors that are attractive to migrants. Push factors are factors that are reasons for leaving an area. Barriers to migration could include travel costs and visa requirements.

In Ireland people move from the west to east of Ireland

Push Factors from the West Pull Factors to Dublin ? ? ? ? ?

Push factors from the west Low levels of employment and economic growth. Lack of leisure facilities and third level colleges Poor local services (roads, buses) Shops and bars close down because there are not making a profite. Poor telecommunications- internet & phone cover.

What are the pull factors to Dublin from the west

Pull factors to Dublin and other cities Majority of universities. Best shops and services. More leisure and social activities. More jobs in large urban areas. Excellent telecommunications.

Organised Migration

Organised migration When large scale migrations are organised by goverments it is considered an organised migration. This is done to colonise other lands Example of this include the colonisation of South America and the Plantation of Ulster

During the Ulster plantation Irish people were taken off their lands to replaced by Scottish and english “planters”. Ulster was taken by the king of england and then rented cheaply to the Scottish and english settlers. England did this to extend the Crowns control over Irelands

Pull factors to Ulster Push factors from England Land was cheap to rent Land was fertile. Planters were eager to “civilise” Ulster by introducing Protestantism and English culture. England and Scotland were becoming overpopulated. Irish landowners were forced to leave their land.

Long term effects Cultural effects- english language, protestant religion and new farming methods were introduced. Divisions- Religious divisions developed between protestant landowners and Catholics Settlement patterns- Many plantation towns were built around Ulster recoganisable by their market centres and defensive towns

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