Notes les janvier Double object pronouns Les pronoms d’objet direct (direct object pronouns) me (m’) – me nous – us te (t’) – you vous – you, you guys le (l’) – him/itles – them la (l’) – her/it
Tu connais Anne? - Oui, je la connais bien. Do you know Anne? - Yes, I know her well. Où est-ce que vous allez faire vos devoirs? Where are you guys going to do your homework? Nous allons les faire à la maison. We’re going to do them at home.
Les pronoms d’objet indirect (indirect object pronouns) me (m’) – to/for menous – to/for us te (t’) – to/for youvous – to/for you, you guys lui – to/for him, herleur – to/for them
Je lui ai donné un cadeau. I gave a gift to him/her. Je veux vous montrer des photos. I want to show some photos to you.
When using direct and indirect object pronouns in the same sentence, they are placed in the following order:
Le dîner? Notre père nous le prépare tous les soirs. Dinner? Our father prepares it for us every night. Les cadeaux? On va les leur envoyer demain. The gifts? We’re going to send them to them tomorrow. Qui veut expliquer la situation au chef? Who wants to explain the situation to the boss? - Pierre veut la lui expliquer. - Pierre wants to explain it to him.
When using a direct object pronoun in the passé composé, the past participle matches the direct object pronoun in gender and number. Les billets? Je les lui ai déjà donnés. The tickets? I already gave them to him/her. La tarte? Elle me l’a faite ce matin. The tarte? She made it for me this morning.
When giving affirmative commands, the verb is followed by the direct object pronoun followed by the indirect object pronoun with hyphens in between. Me and te become moi and toi. Tu as reçu ton passeport? Montre-le-moi! You received your passport? Show it to me! Voilà la viande. Servez-la-leur. There’s the meat. Serve it to them.