European Union 1 Facts and Phenomena, some activities International Summer School 2015 Renmin University of China, Beijing Syllabus Prof. Dr. Werner Meng
Topical aspects of the Union A Union of sovereign states Of European states for historical reasons and modern political requirements An international organisation A supranational organisation Acting with institutions of its own With dominant influence of the member States With legal personality, internally and international Integrating economic, monetary, domestic and Foreign policies
The European Union: 500 million people – 28 countries Member States of the European Union Candidate countries and potential candidates
The EU symbols The European flag The European anthem The euro Europe Day, 9 May The motto: United in diversity
24 official languages Български Čeština dansk Deutsch eesti keel Ελληνικά English español français Gaeilge hrvatski Italiano latviešu valoda lietuvių kalba magyar Malti Nederlands polski português Română slovenčina slovenščina suomi svenska
The EU Charter of Fundamental Rights Binding for all the EU's activities 54 articles under 6 titles: FreedomsEquality SolidarityCitizens’ rightsJustice Dignity
EU population compared to the rest of the world EUChinaJapan Russia United States India Population in millions, 2014
EU surface area compared to the rest of the world Surface area, km² EUChina Japan RussiaUnited States India 3 287
How rich is the EU compared to the rest of the world? Size of economy: 2012 gross domestic product in trillions of euro Wealth per person: 2012 gross domestic product per person EU ChinaJapan RussiaUnited States India EU ChinaJapanRussiaUnited States India 1.33
How big are the EU countries? Surface area in km²
How many people live in the EU? Population in millions, million in total
GDP per inhabitant: the spread of wealth 2013 GDP per inhabitant Index where the average of the 28 EU countries is 100
Europe 2020 – Europe's growth strategy In 2020, EU leaders agreed the overall strategy to overcome the economic crisis by means of: Smart growth Better education, more research, greater use of communication technologies Sustainable growth A resource-efficient, greener and more competitive economy Inclusive growth More and better jobs, investment in skills and training, modernisation of the labour market and welfare systems and spreading the benefits of growth to all parts of the EU Good economic governance Better coordination of economic policy
The five targets for the EU in 2020 Agreed in the Europe 2020 strategy: Employment 75% of 20 to 64-year-olds to be employed Research and innovation 3% of the EU's GDP to be invested in research Climate change/energy Greenhouse gas emissions to be 20% lower than in % of energy to be from renewable sources 20% increase in energy efficiency Education School drop-out rates to be below 10% 40% of 30 to 34-year-olds to be completing third-level education Poverty 20 million fewer people in, or at risk of, poverty and social exclusion
Europe's response to the economic crisis 2008: Worldwide financial crisis starts in the United States Coordinated response from the EU's national governments, the European Central Bank and the European Commission: Commitment to the euro and to financial stability New crisis management tools and reforms of rules: European Stability Mechanism: fund to help countries in extraordinary economic difficulties New laws for stability of banks EU-wide financial supervisory authorities Better economic governance: European Semester: annual procedure to coordinate public budgets Euro+ pact, ‘Fiscal compact treaty’: mutual commitments to sound public finances
How does the EU spend its money? 2014 EU budget: €142.6 billion = 1.06% of gross national income Global Europe: including development aid 6% Other, administration 6% Smart and inclusive growth: jobs, competitiveness, regional development 45% Security and citizenship, justice 2% Sustainable growth – natural resources: agriculture, environment 42%
Climate change – a global challenge reduce greenhouse gas emissions by 40% by 2030, compared to 1990 raise the share of renewable energy to 27% by 2030 (wind, solar, hydro power, biomass) increase energy efficiency by 27% by 2030 To stop global warming, EU leaders decided in 2014 to:
Energy sources in a changing world Fuel used in the EU in 2010 Share of fuel imported from outside the EU in % 84% 62% 100% 53% OilCoalGas Nuclear (uranium) Renewables All types of fuel 0% Oil 35% Gas 25% Nuclear 13% Coal 16% Renewables 10%
Research - investing in the knowledge society Spending on research and development in 2012 (% of GDP)
Solidarity in practice: the EU cohesion policy Regional fund Social fund Cohesion fund Less-developed regions: GDP per capita under 75% of the EU average Transition regions: GDP per capita between 75% and 90% of the EU average More-developed regions: GDP per capita over 90% of the EU average : €352 billion invested in infrastructure, business, environment and training of workers for the benefit of poorer regions and citizens
Funds for Solidarity Art TFEU: Regional and structural policy Structural and Cohesion Funds: EFRD (176) ESF (162) Solidarity Funds: Help in emergency situations Art. 222 AEUV Art. 143 AEUV Art. 122 AEUV Prof. Dr. Werner Meng, Europa – Institut, Saarland University22
Improving health and the environment EU action has helped bring about: cleaner bathing water much less acid rain lead-free petrol free and safe disposal of old electronic equipment strict rules on food safety from farm to fork more organic and quality farming more effective health warnings on cigarettes registration and control of all chemicals (REACH) Pollution knows no borders – joint action needed
An area of freedom, security and justice EU Charter of Fundamental Rights Joint fight against terrorism Cooperation between police and law- enforcers in different EU countries Coordinated asylum and immigration policies Civil law cooperation
The EU: an exporter of peace and prosperity World trade rules Common foreign and security policy Development assistance and humanitarian aid
The EU – a major trading power % of global exports goods 2012 % of global exports services 2012 Others 55% EU 15% United States 11% Japan 5% China 14% Others 42% EU 25% United States 18% Japan 4% China 6% India 5%
Increase of national wealth by: Liberalized free internal market (negative integration against discriminations and other barriers) Free flow of goods, services, capital Free movement for workers Freedom of establishment for liberal professions Preservation of free fair competition Merger control, cartel control Control of state subsidies Harmonization of laws (positive integration) The EU‘s economic goal 27