The State of Our School Fall, 2005
Goals What do we want all children to know and be able to do with text in our school? K – 90% of students will reach Benchmark on grade-level appropriate DIBELS tests. 1 st – 80% of all first grade students will read with a fluency rate of 60 WPM as measured by DIBELS. 90% of the students will pass CRCT. 2 nd – 80% of 2 nd grade students will read with a fluency rate of 94 WPM as measured by DIBELS. 90% of the students will pass CRCT. 3 rd – 75% of the students will read 110 WPM by the end of the year, comprehend grade level text, increase vocabulary. All students will pass CRCT.
RF Goals-2005 LC-Spend more time in classrooms, working with and supporting teachers. Modeling reading strategies and working with students, as needed. Provide professional learning activities that will enhance classroom instruction. Provide feedback to teachers to improve instruction in the classroom. Principal-Support the LC in the Reading First initiative. Visit classrooms and provide feedback/recommendations to teachers. Attend all professional development activities at our school. Ensure that the available data is used to drive instruction. K – 90% of students will reach Benchmark on grade-level appropriate DIBELS tests. 1 st – 80% of all first grade students will read with a fluency rate of 60 WPM as measured by DIBELS. 90% of the students will pass CRCT. 2 nd –85% of 2 nd grade students will read with a fluency rate of 90 WPM as measured by DIBELS. 90% of the students will pass CRCT. 85% of the students will pass the 9 weeks comprehension tests with 70% accuracy. 3 rd – 80 % of the students will read 110 WPM by the end of the year, comprehend grade level text, increase vocabulary. 90% of students will pass CRCT.
Goals-2005 Reflect on goals of What changes can be made to make sure we attain our goals? Check student data more frequently and progress monitor as needed. Provide appropriate professional development to address areas of deficiency in reading. LC will work closely with new teachers to clarify questions and concerns about the 5 components of reading. Provide Needs Based Instruction consistently. Use data to drive instruction.
Fall, 2005, Kindergarten, DIBELS ISFLNF Low Risk53% (n=69) 88% (n=115) Some Risk26% (n=34) 4% (n=5) At Risk21% (n=28) 8% (n=11)
Inferences What does this tell us about where our children are starting this year? About ½ of our students are on grade level or above in initial sounds. Most are proficient in letter recognition. What does this tell us about grouping? About ½ of our students need additional instruction in initial sounds fluency. Only a few will need intense instruction in letter naming fluency. What does this tell us about our instructional diet? Whole group instruction time needs to address phonics and less time is needed on LNF, which can be taught during Needs Based groups to the low % of students who are at risk.
Fall, 2005, First Grade, DIBELS LNFPSFNWF Low Risk95% (n=113) 92% (n=109) 87% (n=103) Some Risk5% (n=6) 4% (n=5) 10% (n=12) At Risk0% (n=0) 4% (n=5) 3% (n=4)
Inferences What does this tell us about where our children are starting this year? First grade students have a strong understanding of ISF and LNF. They also are very knowledgeable with application of phonics in NWF. What does this tell us about grouping? We need to address the low percentage of students who are at risk in LNF, ISF, and NWF in Needs Based groups. What does this tell us about our instructional diet? Whole group instruction needs to address phonics skills (other than initial sounds.) Students who are at risk in LNF, ISF and NWF should be provided iii (immediate intensive instruction) in these areas.
Fall, 2005, Second Grade, DIBELS NWFORF Low Risk73% (n=99) 74% (n=100) Some Risk21% (n=28) 16% (n=22) High Risk7% (n=9) 10% (n=13)
Inferences What does this tell us about where our children are starting this year? Most 2 nd graders are performing on or above grade level in ORF and NWF. What does this tell us about grouping? Students who are at some risk will need additional instruction in ORF and phonics. What does this tell us about our instructional diet? Most of the diet for 2 nd grade needs to address vocabulary and comprehension skills.
Fall, 2005, Third Grade, DIBELS ORF Low Risk61% (n=76) Some Risk25% (n=31) High Risk13% (n=16)
Inferences What does this tell us about where our children are starting this year? 61% of 3 rd graders are at Benchmark-significantly higher than at the end of last year. What does this tell us about grouping? Intensive students should spend most of the time with the teacher in See-Me group. Benchmark students should continue to be monitored as benchmark goals increase throughout the year. What does this tell us about our instructional diet? During Literacy students need to be exposed to a wide variety of texts, vocabulary, and have the ability to self-monitor their comprehension.
General Conclusions Based on what you’ve learned—What are your concluding statements? Our core addresses the deficiencies at every grade level. Progress monitoring is an important aspect of planning instruction. Our Needs Based Instruction provides appropriate instruction for at – risk students. Did we choose a good curriculum? YES! Schedule/Planning for needs based is the most important part of the teacher’s day. How will teachers manage instruction so there is adequate time for needs based instruction? Teachers will incorporate “Workshop” during the 135 minutes of reading instruction. All activities should meet the students’ needs and should be driven by the available data.
Upcoming Data What other measures will we have available to understand the state of our school? Weekly tests Unit skills tests 9 Weeks tests Diagnostic testing PPVT Progress Monitoring (DIBELS) ITBS/CRCT