Health and Wellbeing and Named Person Presentation to Secondary Pupils
The Government passed an Act in March 2014 This is to make sure that every child and young person gets the help that they need when they need it Children and Young People (Scotland) Act
It supports everyone working with you and your family for example, teachers, health visitors, police and social workers to work together to make Scotland the best place for you to grow up in. It helps all these people work together better Children and Young People (Scotland) Act
The big message in the Act is that every child and young person has a right to be: Safe Healthy Achieving Nurtured Active Respected Responsible Included Wellbeing
Safe It is important that you feel safe. Most young people get the help they need to be safe from their families and from people in the community, such as teachers. Some young people need extra help to be safe. But what does all this mean?
Healthy Everyone wants to be healthy. Young people may need advice and support to stay healthy such as eating a healthy diet, sleep, exercise and making positive choices to maintain a healthy lifestyle. They may also need help with their emotional wellbeing.
Active Most young people enjoy doing things which keep them active - being involved in different sports, clubs, music, art etc. Some young people do not get the opportunities to do this and they may need support to participate.
Nurtured All young people need a place where they can feel comfortable and safe and where people really care about them. Sometimes it can be difficult for families to get along and to share feelings with each other.
Achieving Every young person should have opportunities to learn and people who encourage them to do their best.
Respected Most young people have someone they get on well with who listens to their opinions, ideas and anything they have to say. Some young people need extra help to be able to express their views when decisions are being made about them.
Responsible Growing up involves learning to make decisions and sensible choices. Some young people need extra guidance to do this.
Included Every young person should feel accepted by the people in their lives and have someone they can count on. Some young people need extra help to develop and maintain relationships.
You have been given a wellbeing indicator for your group. Talk about what your school does to help you to be safe, healthy, achieving, nurtured, active, responsible, respected and included Write some of your ideas on the flip chart paper. Think about 3 things that we could do better and write them in a box on the flip paper. Activity
Every baby, child and young person in Scotland has a Named Person This person’s job is to make sure that you are OK. They are someone you can talk to and they can be a support for you and your family if things get difficult. They can talk to other people who may also be able to help you and your family Named Person
If you are a baby your Named Person is the midwife When you were in nursery your Named Person is the health visitor When you are in primary school your Named Person is usually the Head Teacher When you are in high school your Named Person will usually be your PT Pupil Support Named Person
You may never need to use your Named Person but it is important that you know who your Named Person is So if you ever need anything your Named Person will be able to help you and your family Do you know who your Named Person is? – Tell the person sitting next to you Named Person
It is important that you are involved in your planning If there is a meeting to discuss help for you then you should be involved in this. It is very important that people know how you are feeling and what help you think you need Working with your Named Person
The new Act is important for us as young people, it should make it easier for us to get support and advice when we need it Thank you for listening, we hope you found this helpful. Conclusion