1 Alexey Sissakian Director, Academician of RAS JINR: Results and Prospects R–ECFA meeting 8 – 10 October, 2009.


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Presentation transcript:

1 Alexey Sissakian Director, Academician of RAS JINR: Results and Prospects R–ECFA meeting 8 – 10 October, 2009

2 The agreement on the establishment of JINR was signed on 26 March 1956 in Moscow JINR – a Centre of Broad International Partnership on the Russian Land - 18 Member States - 6 Associated Members States - about 700 research partners in 60 countries - staff members ~ 5500 Three Pillars of JINR: Great experience and world-wide recognized traditions of scientific schools. Large and unique park of basic facilities for fundamental and applied research. Status of an international intergovernmental organization.

3 The concept of the JINR Road Map The home experimental base, its upgrade programme should become a priority task for the Institute’s further development. for the Institute’s further development.

44 Heavy Ion Physics: Heavy Ion Physics: Heavy-Ion Physics at high energies: Nuclotron-M (up to 4.5 GeV/n), Heavy-Ion Physics at high energies: Nuclotron-M (up to 4.5 GeV/n), in future NICA/MPD facility:  s NN = (4 – 11) GeV corresponding to E lab. ~ (8 – 60) GeV/n in future NICA/MPD facility:  s NN = (4 – 11) GeV corresponding to E lab. ~ (8 – 60) GeV/n Heavy-Ion Physicsat low and intermediate Heavy-Ion Physics at low and intermediate energies (5 – 100 MeV/n), U400MR, U400, DRIBs energies (5 – 100 MeV/n), U400MR, U400, DRIBs Condensed Matter Physics using nuclear physics Condensed Matter Physics using nuclear physics methods, (neutron sources: IBR-2M, IREN-I) methods, (neutron sources: IBR-2M, IREN-I) JINR’s ROAD MAP JINR’s research niche offered by home facilities

5 JINR’s Large-Scale Basic Facilities The new flagship of JINR in HEP: Nuclotron-based Ion Collider fAcility and MultiPurpose Detector (NICA / MPD) – The main goal of the NICA/MPD project is to start in the coming years experimental study of hot and dense strongly interacting QCD matter and search for a possible manifestation of the mixed phase formation and critical endpoint in heavy ion collisions.

The goals of the NICA are proposed to be reached by The goals of the NICA are proposed to be reached by : development of the Nuclotron as a basis for generation of intense beams by 2010: - accelerated heavy ions A ~ beam intensity ~ 10 9 ion/cycle ( Hz) at kinetic energy ~ (1,0-4,5) GeV/u for Au 79+ design and construction of heavy ion collider with: - maximum collision energy of  s NN = 11 GeV - average luminosity ~ cm -2 s -1 (for Au 79+ ) - polarized proton beams with energy  s ~ 26 GeV and average luminosity > cm -2 s -1 design and construction of the MultiPurpose Detector (MPD) JINR’s Large-Scale Basic Facilities

Nuclotron Collider C = 251 m MPD Existing beam lines (solid target exp-s) Bldng 205 Synchrophasotron yoke NICA layout Spin Physics Detector (SPD) 2.3 m 4.0 m Booster Krion & Linac LU-20

8 Collider Collider – general parameters Ring circumference, [m] B  max [ T  m ]45.0 Ion kinetic energy (Au79+), [GeV/u]1.0  4.56 Dipole field (max), [ T ]4.0 Free space at IP (for detector)9 m Beam crossing angle at IP0 Vacuum, [ Torr ] Luminosity per one IP, cm -2 ∙s ÷11 ∙10^26

 Joint Institute for Nuclear Research  Institute for Nuclear Research Russian Academy of Sciences  Institute for High Energy Physics, Protvino  Budker Institute of Nuclear Physics, Novosibirsk  ITEP  All-Russian Institute for Electrotechnics  Corporation “Powder Metallurgy” (Minsk, Belorussia):  MoU with GSI  FZ Jűlich (IKP)  BNL (RHIC)  Fermilab  Open for extension … NICA Collaboration May 2009: the first draft of the NICA TDR is completed: Round Table Discussion IV Physics at NICA 9-12 September 2009 JINR, Dubna N I C A M E M O R A N D U M The IV Round Table Workshop on “Physics at NICA” gathered 82 experts in nuclear physics representing leading research institutions of 16 countries. On the basis of this examination they have concluded that the NICA project possesses potential for truly outstanding discoveries. The implementation of the NICA project at Dubna brings JINR to the forefront of the current effort in high density nuclear physics.

10 Stage 1: years 2007 – Upgrade and Development of the Nuclotron - Preparation of Technical Design Report of the NICA and MPD - Designing MPD and NICA elements Stage 2: years 2010 – 2013 Manufacturing and mounting NICA and MPD Stage 3: year Commissioning Stage 4: year Operation The NICA Project Milestones

11 JINR’s Large-Scale Basic Facilities U400 isochronous cyclotron U400MR isochronous cyclotron DRIBs (I,II,III) – Dubna Radioactive Ion Beams For the last decade JINR has become one of the leading scientific centres in the world in low energy heavy-ion physics. U400 and U400M isochronous cyclotrons are combined into the accelerator complex – project DRIBs which deals with the production of beams of exotic light neutron-deficient and neutron-rich nuclei in reactions with light ions. Number of observed decay chains Element Element Element Element Element Element 112 8

NEW EXPERIMENTAL HALL DRIBs-III (2015)  Modernization of existing accelerators (U400М U400)  Modernization of existing accelerators (U400М & U400)  Creation of the new experimental hall (≈ 2600м 2 )  Development and creation of next generation set-ups  Creation of high current heavy ion accelerator DC200 (A≤ 100, E ≤ 10 MeV ·A, I≥10 pµA) (A≤ 100, E ≤ 10 MeV ·A, I≥10 pµA) JINR’s Large-Scale Basic Facilities Pole diameter4 m Magnetic field level0.65÷1.15 T K factor200 Weight500 t A/Z range4÷7 Injecting beam potentialUp to 100 kV Power consumption250 kW Beam turns separation10 mm Radial beam bunch size3 mm Efficiency of beam transferring60% Total accelerating potentialup to ~ 40 MV DC200: MAIN PARAMETERS

13 JINR’s Large-Scale Basic Facilities The IBR-2M pulsed reactor of periodic action is included in the 20-year European strategic programme of neutron scattering research. FuelPuO 2 Active core volume22 dm 3 Coolingliquid Na Average power 2 МW Pulsed power1500 MW Repetition rate5 s -1 Average flux8·10 12 n/cm 2 /s Pulsed flux5·10 15 n/сm 2 /s Pulse width (fast / therm.) 215 / 320 μs Number of channels14 Parameters Fundamental and applied research in condensed matter physics and related fields –– biology, medicine, material sciences, geophysics, engineer diagnostics — aimed at probing the structure and properties of nanosystems, new materials, and biological objects, and at developing new electronic, bio- and information nanotechnologies.

14 A. Fursenko Minister of Education and Science of the Russian Federation, Plenipotentiary of the Russian Government to JINR «We hope that at a certain stage Russia-based international projects will come forth. Dubna The research centre in Dubna could be a possible basing site for such an international project». From an interview with A. Fursenko after the LHC inauguration ceremony Welcome to the collaboration!