All Hands Meeting 2005 Semi-Automated Shape Analysis (SASHA)
SASHA Project The Semi-Automated Shape Analysis project (SASHA) is developing a seamless and robust processing pipeline among multiple institutional sites that segments sub cortical structures from structural MRI data, computes the geodesics in the space of infinite dimensional diffeomorphisms, visualizes results and enables statistical analyses of the results.
SASHA Accomplishments Publications Beg, M.F., Miller, M.I., Trouve, A., Younes, L Computing Large Deformation Metric Mappings via Geodesic Flows of Diffeomorphisms. International Journal of Computer Vision 61, Cao, Y., Miller, M.I., Winslow, R.L., Younes, L Large deformation diffeomorphic metric mapping of vector fields. IEEE Trans Med Imaging 24, Jovicich, J., Beg, M.F., Pieper, S., Priebe, C., Miller, M., Buckner, R., Rosen, B Biomedical Informatics Research Network: Integrating Multi-Site Neuroimaging Data Acquisition, Data Sharing and Brain Morphometric Processing. In: Tsymbal, A., Cunningham, P., (Eds.), 18th IEEE Symposium on Computer- Based Medical Systems (CBMS'05). IEEE, Dublin, Ireland. pp
SASHA Accomplishments Shape Analysis Refining Large Scale Processing 3 years of processing in 1 month TeraGrid processing utilized two BIRN storage sites SASHA processing is used by Morph and Mouse BIRN Implemented Statistical Analysis of the Metric Distance The metric distance provides information on shape Catogorized 45 subjects into 3 diagnosed groups External BIRN sites are using variations of the SASHA processing
SASHA Goals Shape Analysis Refine Large Scale Computing Utilize TeraGrid Utilize BIRN compute cluster LDDMM processing of the full brain Expand LDDMM process from volume data to surface, landmark and DTI data Greater automation in processing Explore workflow and portal processing PNAS publication
SASHA – BIRN-CC BIRN-CC – 2005 Accomplishments BIRN 2.0 distribution contains freesurfer, lddmm and slicer3d in RPM format for Rocks. Updated software at all sites using YUM. BIRN-CC – Goals Add cluster computing at multiple sites. More rapid BIRN enabled software updates.