Scope of the Journal The International Journal of Sports Medicine (IJSM) provides a forum for the publication of papers dealing with basic or applied information that will advance the field of sports medicine and exercise science.
Scope of the Journal The following sections define the scope of the journal: training & testing; orthopedic & clinical sciences; nutrition; behavioral sciences; physiology & biochemistry; biomechanics; immunology.
General Policy The journal publishes original papers, reviews, short communications and letters to the Editors. Manuscripts submitted to the journal must contain novel data on theoretical or experimental research or on practical applications in the field of sports medicine and exercise science.
No substantial part of the submission should have been published elsewhere. If presented on a congress, symposium, or national meeting proceeding, the reference for that publication and/or presentation should be given in the manuscript acknowledgement section. Submitted papers undergo pure reviewing by two independent referees. General Policy
Categories of articles accepted for original articles Original articles: theoretical or experimental (basic or applied) research or practical applications. Either original work or the replication of work that better establishes basic principles will be considered. Original articles should not exceed a total of characters, including references.
Categories of articles accepted for review The correspondence should include an abstract and a complete outline of the proposed review article, including figures and tables (if possible). Review articles should not exceed characters, including references. Review articles are considered by the Editors and expert referees before a final decision regarding publication is made.
Categories of articles accepted for review Review articles: Review articles on topics of broad interest are desirable. Authors who wish to submit an unsolicited review article should correspond with the Editors-in-chief to determine the timeliness of the proposed review article.
Categories of articles accepted for Short communications Short communications: Concise, complete reports that offer conclusive results, brief reports of new methods or case studies. Short communications should not exceed a total of characters, and should have a maximum of 15 references.
Categories of articles accepted for letters to the Editor Letters to the Editor are welcome and will be published if appropriate. Letters (maximum length 700 words) relating to material previously published in IJSM should be submitted within 6 months after publication of the material the letter is referring to. Such letters will be sent to the corresponding author for comment within six weeks. The original letter and any reply will be published concurrently.
Preparation of the submission General: Each submission must come with a cover letter containing the following information: title of the article and authors’ names; statement that the manuscript is not under consideration for publication by any other journal; statement indicating that each author has contributed substantially to the submitted work and has reviewed and agrees with the submission of the manuscript for review;
statement indicating that the corresponding author will cover the page charge starting from the fourth printed page; a signature by each author, or at minimum the senior author with the authority from the coauthors. If the reader is referred to previous work by the same authors, particularly in relation to methodology but also if a previous concurrent article is unpublished, copies or reprints of the other publications should be sent with the original submission. Preparation of the submission
Format Manuscripts must be typed legibly on standard paper no larger than 21 29.7 cm (DIN A4) with a 3 cm margin on the left, font 12 point, double spaced. The pages must be numbered in sequence beginning with the title page as page number one. The lines of each page must be numbered consecutively beginning with the title page.
Four copies of the manuscript are required, one original (with illustrations suitable for reproduction) and three complete copies including copies of illustrations and tables. Style: Manuscripts may be rejected without review on the basis of poor English or lack of conformity to stated standards of style Format
Title page The title page of the manuscript should contain the following information: specification of the most appropriate section of the journal (as listed above under scope of the Journal); concise but informative title; authors’ names with first and middle initials (do not include degrees);
short concise running title (not exceeding 45 characters including spaces) for presentation on the journal cover; name and location of the institution(s) where the work was undertaken; name and address of the corresponding author and author to whom official correspondence and reprint requests should be addressed that must include telephone and fax numbers and an address. Title page
The abstract should be informative. It should be self-explanatory without reference to the text of the manuscript. It should include essential significant results that support the conclusion of the work. Three to six key words not used in the title should also be provided. Abbreviations should not be used in the abstract Abstract page
Introduction: Should be comprehensible to the general reader. Give a clear statement of the purpose of the paper and provide relevant context to support the basis for the paper and the significance of the work. Do not exhaustively review the literature.
Materials & Methods: Provide sufficient information in the text or by reference to other work to permit the submitted work to be repeated without the need to communicate with the authors. Relevant validity and reliability data should be provided for critical methods. State the type of statistical tests used. Include the number of observations and the statistical findings when appropriate. Parametric and non- parametric statistics must be used as appropriate Abstract page
Results: Should be presented precisely and should not contain material that is appropriate in the discussion. Units, quantities, and formulas should be expressed according to the System International (SI units). All measurements should be given in metric units. Abstract page
Discussion: Emphasize the new and important aspects of the study and conclusions derived from the study. Acknowledgements: Reference to prior publication of the results in abstract form or in proceedings should be provided. Addresses of authors other than the laboratory acknowledged for the work should be provided. Financial support should be stated Abstract page
References: References should be cited in the text by number and compiled alphabetically at the end of the article and numbered accordingly. Titles of journals should be abbreviated according to the latest edition of Index Medicus. Abstract page