UNCLASSIFIED 1 06 February 2013Jenney Tagorda, Lead Knowledge Manager APAN Overview for ISTOP
UNCLASSIFIED What is APAN? 2 Available to any user with an internet connection Web-based, unclassified, non-.mil, collaboration platform Developed to foster information and knowledge sharing between the United States Department of Defense and non-DoD entities
UNCLASSIFIED OCT 2011 – APAN designated as a DoD Shared Enterprise Service for unclassified information sharing DoD Unclassified Information Sharing Service (UISS) - APAN USPACOM Pacific Warfighting Center (PWC), J73 designated as the Application Service Provider (ASP) for UISS Development, Testing/Staging, COOP, System Administration, Knowledge Management, Service Desk, Outreach, R&D and Event support No Cost to Use APAN 3
UNCLASSIFIED Community of Interests (COI) 4 Communities built using APAN Sites (SharePoint) or APAN Groups (Telligent) Owners Responsibilities: Control Visibility, Access and Membership Customizable Look & Feel Manage content Decide on which APAN tools & capabilities to incorporate into COI
UNCLASSIFIED How is APAN Used? Conferences Communities of Practice / Interest Communities of Practice / Interest Action Officer Networking Exercises Theater Security Cooperation Humanitarian Assistance / Disaster Response Partnership Building Academia and Alumni Relations APAN Use-Cases 5
UNCLASSIFIED Additional APAN Capabilities 6 Custom Task List Translation Calendar Low Bandwidth Profiles Mobile Tag Clouds Chat GIS Maps Web Conferencing Wikis Blogs My APAN Document Library Forums Integrated Search
UNCLASSIFIED Create an APAN Account 7
UNCLASSIFIED Organize and Share Your Sites, Groups, Colleagues, and Favorites One APAN Account and User Profile Find your communities 8
UNCLASSIFIED Contact APAN Support 9 Available 24/7 Request a Community Participate in Online Training Access the Knowledge Base
UNCLASSIFIED 10 Questions? Contact APAN Support ( 808)