“RINGS” PES Institute of Technology and Management Presented by Under the Guidance of Mr. ABHISHEK S A 4PM12CS002 Mr. ASHWIN K KASHYAP 4PM12CS015 Mr. DEVARAJ F V B.E., M.Tech. Assistant Professor Mr. MOHAN H G B.E., M.Tech. Assistant Professor A PRESENTATION ON Department of Computer Science & Engineering
ABSTRACT There are numerous simple ways that particles can interact and determine the forces that act on the particles. We consider a set of particles that is subjected to newton’s laws. Although we can also use other physical laws, the advantage of starting with Newtonian particle is that we can obtain a wide range of behaviors using simple physics. The particle system which aims at showing the behavior of particles within a system which are all Newtonian so their state is described by their positions and velocities. In addition each particle can have its own mass and color. We start by creating a default number of particles that we place randomly within a cube centered at origin with sides of length 2 and assign each a random velocity. We use the idle call back to update the particles position using elapsed time. The positions are updated using the velocity and the velocity is updated by computing the forces on that particle.
AGENDA Introduction OpenGL Rings Objectives Design and Implementation Snapshots Conclusion and Future Scope References
INTRODUCTION Computer graphics are graphics created using computers and more generally the representation and manipulation of image data by a computer. The development of computer graphics has made computers easier to interact with, and better for understanding and interpreting many types of data. The study of computer graphics is a sub-field of computer science which studies methods for digitally synthesizing and manipulating visual content Developments in computer graphics have had a profound impact on many types of media and have revolutionary animation, movies and the video game industry.
OpenGL OpenGL is a powerful, professional-level system and it would take a manual much thicker than this one to describe all its facilities completely. We have selected a subset of OpenGL – a portion of OpenGL’s functionality which is relevant to the CS2072 Interactive Graphics course, and sufficient to support its programming labs. OpenGL has its origins in the earlier GL (“Graphics Library”) system which was invented by Silicon Graphics Inc. as the means programming their high performance specialized graphics workstations.
RINGS The main purpose of the project is to demonstrate the movement of the rings in a given environment. The user can have a detailed understanding of the project and the nature of the particles by implementing the material provided. The movement of the rings will get affected by different collisions and different forces such as gravitational forces etc. Spring forces are used to keep a group of particles together, repulsive forces push particles from one another and attractive forces pulls particles towards one another.
OBJECTIVES Implementation of our project, “RINGS” using OpenGL toolkit which represents the erratic movement of rings in a graphical system which is more attractive. The implementation can be made still more effective using OpenGL in C++ basis.
DESIGN The design of the project basically includes the standard OpenGL functions which are necessary. The concept of the rings are thoroughly executed so that a layman also could get a detail understanding of the project. The basic computer graphics such as colors, menu, display functions, reshape functions, mouse functions and more are implemented to design the source code. The use of complex concepts is avoided and thus the code is easy to understand and to be implemented.
IMPLEMENTATION There will not be any problem with the execution of the project. The project is very informative and thus easy to understand. To implement a number of OpenGL library functions are used. Some of once used along with their descriptions are mentioned below. Functions used in OpenGL Header Files The Header files used in OpenGL are GL, for which the commands begin with GL. GLUT, the GL Utility Toolkit, opens windows, develops menus, and manages events.
Built in functions glMatrixMode(GLenum mode) : specifies which matrix will be affected by subsequent transformations. Mode can be GL_MODELVIEW, GL_PROJECTION, or GL_TEXTURE. glLoadIdentity( ) : Sets the current transformation matrix to an identity matrix. glPointSize(GLfloat size) : Sets the point size attributes in pixels. glutPostRedisplay( ) : Requests that the display callback be executed after the current callback returns. glutSwapBuffers( ) : Swaps the front and back buffers.
glutDisplayFunc(void (*(func)(void)): registers the display functions func that is executed when the window need to be redrawn. glutIdleFunc(void (*f)(void)) : registers the display callback functions f that is executed whenever there are no events to be handled. User defined functions float forces( ): This function will help the rings to experience gravity force and get settle in the ground. Void collision( ): This function will allow the rings to collide at a walls and bounce back. Void draw( ): This function will create the rings, which look like attractive color rings. Void main_menu( ): This function will provides all the main menu which are present in the project.
SNAPSHOTS Showing more Rings
Showing fewer Rings
Showing smaller Rings
Showing larger Rings
CONCLUSION There are numerous simple ways that particles can interact and determine the forces that act on the particles. We consider a set of particles that is subjected to newton’s laws. Although there is no reason that we could not use other physical laws or construct a set of our own (virtual) physical laws, the advantage of starting with Newtonian particle is that we can obtain a wide range of behaviors using simple, well understood physics. Some of the most interesting applications of particle system are for simulating complex behavior among the particles. Perhaps a more accurate is that we can produce what appears to be complex behavior using simple rules for how particles interact. One of the attractions of this graphics package named “RINGS” is that we have defined a class of objects based on only a handful of rules and a few parameters.
FUTURE SCOPE This project is designed in 2D perspective, in future it can be re- designed with 3D animation and with some more options.
REFERENCES [1] Edward angel: Interactive Computer Graphics a TOP-DOWN Approach with OpenGL, 2 nd edition, Addison-Wesley, [2] F.S. Hill, Jr. & Stephen M. Kelley: Computer Graphics Using OpenGL, 3 rd edition.