Making a Point How to create a successful PowerPoint presentation
Getting Started Ask yourself: “Why am I giving this presentation?” “What information do I want the audience to understand?” “What do I want the audience to learn or be able to do at the conclusion of the slide show?”
Understanding the Audience Dictates how the slide show is designed How much does your audience already know about the subject? What do they expect or want to know? What is the audience’s education, age, career orientation, etc.? Do you want to entertain, sell, inform, instruct, etc.?
Organizing the slide show Three main divisions: Opening Main Body Conclusion
Opening Title slide should make a statement about the subject of your slide show. These first one or two slides should set the mood and tone for the rest of your presentation.
Main Body The “nuts and bolts” of the presentation. Use any graphs, charts, pictures, clip art, etc. necessary to get the point across, but don’t overdo it. Use bulleted lists Include other types of media Audio, video, publications, etc.
Conclusion Wrap up your main ideas or points. To end the slide show, use the title slide again or a “question and answer” slide.
Text slides Use large and easy-to-read fonts. No smaller than 24 point. No more than 8 words per sentence. No more than 8 lines per slide. Keep it short. KISS
Slide transitions Lots of options Use with extra caution Fun, but become annoying and unprofessional
Background With audience in mind, use appropriate backgrounds and font colors.
Example Dark text won’t show up on dark backgrounds
Example Light color fonts don’t show up on light backgrounds
Slide design Use contrasting shades Anticipate color changes among monitors/projectors Keep slide transitions simple
Other formatting tips Don’t use unnecessary or flashy animation schemes. Distracting Annoying Unprofessional
Additional advice Call ahead to check on equipment Always have a back up plan Do you want to hand out a copy of the presentation? Before or after? Many resources on the Internet
Tips for inexperienced presenters Prepare Know the content Know the organization Anticipate questions Use the PowerPoint text as talking points Don’t read verbatim from the slides Expand on each point
More tips Stick with the plan Avoid too much improvisation Look for feedback and adjust Engage the audience Questioning Hypothetical situations Polling the audience
More tips Handle questions with skill Direct the discussion so it stays on topic Repeat questions and answer them to the entire audience Verbally reward thoughtful questions Answer honestly
Making a Point How to create a successful PowerPoint presentation