SQL Server Quick Guide
MS SQL Server Express It is installed with the Visual Studio. SQL Server database file extension: mdf Default database folder: Example: testSQL08.mdf –C:\Program Files\Microsoft SQL Server\MSSQL.1\MSSQL\Data\testSQL08.mdf
To Start/End SQL Server SQL Server Express is a “service” To start SQL Server service: –Control Panel/Administrative Tools/Services/SQLServerExpress
Creating SQL Server Database From Server Explorer, right click data connection and choose: Create new SQL Server Database Server name: –LocalServerName\SQLExpress –Ex: David-PC\SQLExpress Add new table: Right click Tables and choose Add New Table –Define table’s fields Add rows: Right click the table name and choose Show table data. Note: After creating the database, you may create an ODBC DSN to connect to it.
Create a New SQL Server Database: EmployeeDB Add a new table: EmployeeTable –EIDChar 10 –EnameChar 30 –SexChar 1 –SalaryNumeric (10,2) –HireDateDate Enter data