Rhetoric and You! How to artfully combine passion, refinement, and a good haircut to model better living. Cute boys! I’m so glad I tweezed my unibrow!
Let’s start with a debate: who is the best superhero of all? Find your partner (if you have one). Take ONE minute to create an argument for your superhero’s supremacy and dominance over your opponent’s superhero. Next, we’ll have the debate. You’ll have 30 seconds to convince the class. – Batman vs. Iron Man (Rd. 1)--Superman vs. Thor (Rd. 2) – Captain America vs. Wonder Woman(Rd. 3)--Flash vs. Hulk (Rd. 4) Now, the losers of each debate will join their conquerors to prepare to debate against the victors of the other round. You have ONE minute to prepare and 30 seconds to deliver the argument. --Winner of Rd. 1 vs. Winner of Rd. 2-- Winner of Rd. 3 vs. Winner of Rd. 4 Now, the losers of each debate will join their conquerors to prepare to debate against the victors of the other round. WINNER TAKES ALL. You have ONE minute to prepare and 30 seconds to deliver the argument. TEACHER DECIDES!
And the winner is:
So how did you do it? How did you win? Chances are, the most persuasive pugilists were the best at using rhetoric. Ah, but what IS rhetoric?
What is rhetoric? The art of effective or persuasive speaking or writing, esp. the use of figures of speech and other compositional techniques. What sayeth thou, Aristotle?
You must think of all rhetoric as a collection of interrelated choices that shape the persuasive appeal. Uhhhh….. Derp?
Okay, fine. Think of it as a triangle. TEXT Speaker (Persona) Subject (not to be confused with the purpose) Audience
ExigenceEthos PathosLogos Purpose Audience/Context/Medium THE TEXT STRUCTURE STYLISTIC FEATURES Diction Syntax POVToneImagery Allusions Figurative Language RHETORICAL SITUATION RHETORICALELEMENTS RHETORICALFEATURES
Let’s make a homework assignment out of this. Bring to class an article, speech, video, or advertisement that you think is manipulative or deceptive and one that is civil and effective. Write a two paragraph explanation as to what you see as the difference.