Monitoring of the UN Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities (UN CRPD) Kapka Panayotova Youth Summer School on Independent Living Istanbul, Turkey 2 nd July 2015
Monitoring? What does it show? Relevance of the objectives Progress on implementation Transparency of the policy process What does it provide? Evidence for policy decisions Publicity of the policy process
Article 33 National implementation and monitoring 1.States Parties, in accordance with their system of organization, shall designate one or more focal points within government for matters relating to the implementation of the present Convention, and shall give due consideration to the establishment or designation of a coordination mechanism within government to facilitate related action in different sectors and at different levels. 2.States Parties shall, in accordance with their legal and administrative systems, maintain, strengthen, designate or establish within the State Party, a framework, including one or more independent mechanisms, as appropriate, to promote, protect and monitor implementation of the present Convention. When designating or establishing such a mechanism, States Parties shall take into account the principles relating to the status and functioning of national institutions for protection and promotion of human rights. 3.Civil society, in particular persons with disabilities and their representative organisations, shall be involved and participate fully in the monitoring process.
UN CRPD Monitoring: Key Reference Point Preamble of Convention states: Disability is an evolving concept, and it results from the interaction between persons with impairments and attitudinal and environmental barriers that hinders full and effective participation in society on an equal basis with others ’ Article 1 of the Convention states: Persons with disabilities include those who have long-term physical, mental, intellectual or sensory impairments which in interaction with various barriers may hinder their full and effective participation in society on an equal basis with others.
UN CRPD Monitoring: Methodologies ANED: Online Policy Monitoring Tool – a foundation for future monitoring of progress towards achievement of the European Disability Strategy 2010 – 2020 and Implementation of the Convention Inclusion Europe: Monitoring of UN Convention on the Rights of the Child UNDP: social exclusion measurement methodology proposed and tested by UNDP in its recent Human Development Report FRA: Monitoring Indicators
UN CRPD Monitoring: Commonalities Clear framework of reference – human rights, social model, social inclusion, etc.; Solid data – legislation, enforcement, national and international statistics, etc.; Reliable sources – official websites, reports, official statements, etc.
UN CRPD Monitoring: Indicators and Benchmarks What would show us the progress – indicators How many people live in the community with access to assistive technologies and PAs, study in the local school or university, get a job and enjoy life; proportion of disability related budgets spent; are people satisfied with the schemes in place. What do we recognise as progress – benchmarks At least ‘x’ per cent of the disabled people are provided support to live in the community; money for community living is at least as much as for care and institutional arrangements; more than 50% of the disabled people are satisfied
UN CRPD Monitoring: Disability Rights Indicators Choice of Residence Access to Supports Access to Communities Notes Structure Process Outcomes
Article 19: Living Independently and Being Included in the Community States Parties to the present Convention recognize the equal right of all persons with disabilities to live in the community, with choices equal to others, and shall take effective and appropriate measures to facilitate full enjoyment by persons with disabilities of this right and their full inclusion and participation in the community, including by ensuring that: (a)Persons with disabilities have the opportunity to choose their place of residence and where and with whom they live on an equal basis with others and are not obliged to live in a particular living arrangement; (b)Persons with disabilities have access to a range of in-home, residential and other community support services, including personal assistance necessary to support living and inclusion in the community, and to prevent isolation or segregation from the community; (c)Community services and facilities for the general population are available on an equal basis to persons with disabilities and are responsive to their needs.
UN CRPD Monitoring: Disability Rights Indicators Break down into components: Choice of residence: Housing Affordability Accessibility Adjusments Living support Budgets Personal assistance Assessment Per hour rates Peer support(empowerment) Budgets Transport Accessibility (low- floor, friendly attitude, etc.) Affordability (prices
UN CRPD Monitoring: Disability Rights Indicators Access to supports: Education Schools’ accessibility Resources in the class Employment Support to get a job Support on the job Participation ………………… ………………...
Monitoring and IL IL Definitions Independent Living Personal assistance Community Based Services De-Institutionalization
IL – Independent Living Human rights based disability policy Through the combination of environmental and individual factors allowing control Choice and decision IL requires: access, accessibility, technical aids, personal assistance, inclusive education and empl oyment.
Personal Assistance PA tool for IL Earmarked cash allocations Based on individual needs Control recruitment and management Allocations covering salaries, work-related costs, employment contributions, administration cost and peer support
Deinstitutionalisation A political and social process Shift from institutional and family care to IL The opportunity to become a full citizen and take control of own life Affordable and accessible housing Access to public services, personal assistance, and peer support.
Community-based Services (CBS) CBS political and social approach as well as policy measures Available mainstream public services Appropriate accommodations Not segregating systems: – residential institutions – special schools – long-term care hospitals – para-transit facilities, sheltered jobs
UN CRPD Monitoring: Shadow Reports Every other year along with the official Government Report; Identify Allies (single organisation Shadow Report is less likely to be taken seriously by the Committee); Follow the Government Report structure; Build an argument Prepare and rehearse the presentation (no longer than 15 minutes)