Lesson 21: The Book of Daniel Scriptures in quotation marks are taken from the KING JAMES VERSION of the Bible.


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Presentation transcript:

Lesson 21: The Book of Daniel Scriptures in quotation marks are taken from the KING JAMES VERSION of the Bible.

1. Shadrach 2. Meshach 3. Abednego

Daniel 1:11-14 – They ask Melzar to give them vegetables and water for ten days, and then examine them to see if they were as fit as the others eating the unclean food. Daniel 1:15 & – They look healthier than the others did. They are brought before the king and found to be more intelligent than the magicians and astrologers.

Daniel 2:4-5 – They will be cut to pieces and their homes destroyed. Daniel 2:10-11 – No one can do what he has asked. Daniel 2:46-49 – The king gives Daniel many rewards and gifts and makes him “ruler over the whole province of Babylon.”

Daniel 3:12 – Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego Daniel 3:19-27 – Though it is heated to seven times the normal temperature, not even their hair is singed.

Daniel 6:10 – For praying to his God three times a day Daniel 6:22 – God sends an angel to “shut the lions’ mouths.”

Daniel 7:17-23 – Four kings who will come to power Daniel 9:20-23 – He is praying and confessing his sin. We need to be prayed up and confessed up to hear from God.

Daniel 10:5-15 & Rev. 1:12-16 – The Lord Jesus Christ Daniel 12:9 – The full meaning is sealed until the end of time.