Raising Kingdom Families Lesson 3
Welcome to Babylon, USA! Much can be learned from comparing the details of the four young Jewish boys (Daniel/Belteshazzar, Hananiah/Shadrach, Mishael/Meshach, and Azariah/Abednego) and the current plight of Christian youth in America.
The Situation: Then and Now The adult population of Israel were in rebellion against God. As they continued to turn further and further away from Him, He turned them over to secularism. In fact, He eventually gave them entirely into the grip of a nation who didn’t know Him at all.
It should come as no surprise that the generation to come is questioning God's Word and authority. It has been modeled for them for generations. The Situation: Then and Now
Four Steps to Changing the Culture I STEP ONE - relocation to a predominantly secular community. I STEP TWO - isolate over a long period of time.
Four Steps to Changing the Culture I STEP FOUR - REDEFINE and RENAME. I STEP THREE - provide "feel good" experiences with no thought to consequences.
But Daniel……Then God Daniel 1:8,9 BUT DANIEL purposed in his heart that he would not defile himself with the portion of the king's meat, nor with the wine which he drank:therefore he requested of the prince of the eunuchs that he might not defile himself. NOW GOD had brought Daniel into favour and tender love with the prince of the eunuchs.
The blessing refers to the God- ordained role of transferring the faith and its implications in history through the family line to the child. The Purpose of the Blessing The blessing is tied to purpose. Your children are here for a reason. It’s a tragedy if your children never discover what that purpose is.
Understanding Gifts and Talents A GIFT is “a divinely bestowed ability which is used to strengthen others in order to best serve God and His kingdom.” A TALENT is “a human ability in general, not infused with the Holy Spirit’s unique touch and power.”
The Purpose of the Blessing One of the greatest ways of passing on the blessing is by providing wisdom, opportunity, and guidance toward your child’s destiny. God wants you to view your children through His eyes. He wants you to view their future through His plans because He is all- wise, and He knows the best way for them to live fulfilled and abundant lives.
Posterity - succeeding or future generations collectively. The Posterity of the Blessing If Satan can keep a father or mother from being a responsible parent who raises his or her children according to the principles of the blessing, then Satan has a good chance of limiting the subsequent fulfillment of their destinies.
Posterity Pillars Luke 2:52 “And Jesus kept growing in wisdom and stature, and in favor with God and men.
Posterity Pillars Wisdom – God’s opinion on all knowledge; application of biblical principles to every area of life Stature – Physical growth Favor with God – Personal relationship with God; becoming more Christ-like through understanding who He is and obediently following Him; passion and love for God Favor with Man – Personal relationship with other people; social skills; character traits
1. A blessing is spoken in truth. Three Key Elements of the Blessing 2. A blessing is future-oriented. 3. A blessing requires work on your part.