Mothers and Bread John 6:49-51 May 8, AM
Mother’s Day The 2 nd Sunday in May is designated as “Mother’s Day” This is a day in which all are reminded to honor their mother
Mother’s Day Most holidays are spiritual and worldly Easter – Resurrection / Eggs and clothes Christmas – Jesus’ birth / Santa Claus Thanksgiving – Gratitude / Overeat Mother’s Day – Duties / Eat out
Thanks, Mom We are not good at saying, “Thank you” –Boy at party told to say, “Thank you.” –Hostess said to person in front, “Don’t mention it” Many kids know how to say NO, MINE But not THANK YOU, PLEASE
Thanks, Mom Here are some things to be thankful for: –Automatic Dishwasher –Husband doing small repairs –Children who put things away –Teenagers –Smoke alarms
Life Depends on Bread We are valuable to God God has blessed us more than we can handle We have more food than we can eat – but we try
Life Depends on Bread Millions are starving – we have: –Eating disorders –Obesity We need food (balanced diet) for growth and nutrition
God Provides the Bread What is the SOURCE of these blessings? In Russia – young boys, - “Kleb, pashalsta.” (Bread, please.) While we buy bread – it comes from God
God Provides the Bread Matthew 6:11Matthew 6:11 – Give us this day our daily bread –Daily – not weekly, monthly –God is the giver
Not By Bread Alone Matthew 4:4 -Matthew 4:4 - But He answered and said, “It is written, ‘Man shall not live by bread alone, but by every word that proceeds from the mouth of God.
Not By Bread Alone Bread sustains the bodyBread sustains the body We also need food for the soul, spirit, and mindWe also need food for the soul, spirit, and mind “Chicken Soup for the _____”“Chicken Soup for the _____”
Not By Bread Alone Class asked to name something for which they are thankfulClass asked to name something for which they are thankful –One boy could not think of anything – –Wearing glasses – Girls don’t kiss him, boys don’t hit him
Be Grateful Today Andre Crouch – “My Tribute” How can I say thanks for the things you have done for me? Things so undeserved, yet you have given me to prove your love for me.
Be Grateful Today The voices of a million angels could not express my gratitude; All that I am & ever hope to be, I owe it all to you. Song addressed to God