Healthy Schools Enhancement Model
Context “Enhancement Model will better equip schools to promote universal health improvement for all children and young people, as well as providing additional support targeted specifically to those in challenging circumstances.” Links to: 21 st Century School Pupil and parent guarantees: entitlement to health and wellbeing Ofsted wellbeing indicators School Report Card
LA and PCT ( Children’s Trust) Joint Commissioning Guide: focus on good data collection and resources to match needs identified (Enhancement Model contributes to this) “Healthy Lives Brighter Futures” healthy child programme 5-19 launches 11/09: universal entitlement Extended Services Programme Healthy FE programme Change 4 Life PSHEE statutory
Your Child, Your Schools, Our Future: building a 21st century schools system For each young person, this will mean a school where: there is good behaviour, strong discipline, order and safety additional needs are spotted early and addressed quickly they take part in sport and cultural activities their health and wellbeing is supported they have the chance to express their views, and they and their families are welcomed and valued. Parents will have access to extended services including support and advice on parenting.
Every school working in partnerships: because no school can do it alone “Delivering the Pupil and Parent Guarantees will require schools to work in partnership with other schools and with wider children’s services in order to offer more by working together than any one partner could alone and to provide better value for money.” “ We will support the creation of multi-agency teams in schools, bringing together a wide range of children’s services professionals. We will bring schools and wider services together in Children’s Trusts, establishing Children’s Trust Boards, making schools partners in the Children’s Trusts and giving schools’ representatives places on the Boards.”
Every school improving: “ The school accountability system ……………. will take more account of the views of pupils and parents; and reward those schools which are most effective in breaking the links between deprivation and low achievement. To deliver this we will develop a new School Report Card (SRC) for every school, which will provide a rounded assessment of school performance and enable parents and the public to make better informed judgements about the effectiveness of each school.
School Report Card Introduced from 2011 “It will report on outcomes across the breadth of school performance: pupil attainment, progress, and wellbeing; a school’s success in reducing the impact of disadvantage; and parents’ and pupils’ views of the school and the support they are receiving.”
Performance Categories Pupil Progress Pupil Attainment Pupil Wellbeing Pupils’ Perceptions Parents’ Perceptions Narrowing Gaps in Pupil Performance
Pupil Wellbeing Quantitative Wellbeing Indicators Qualitative Wellbeing Indicators School measures of: ●● attendance and persistent absence ●● permanent exclusions ●● post-16 progression ●● pupils provided with at least two hours per week of high quality PE and sport ●● the uptake of school lunches the extent to which a school: ●● promotes healthy eating ●● promotes exercise and a healthy lifestyle and (for younger children) play ●● discourages smoking, consumption of alcohol and use of illegal drugs and other harmful substances ●● gives good guidance on relationships and sexual health ●● helps pupils to manage their feelings and be resilient ●● promotes equality and counteracts discrimination ●● provides a good range of additional activities ●● gives pupils good opportunities to contribute to the local community ●● supports pupils to make choices that will help them progress towards a chosen career/further study the extent to which pupils: ●● feel safe ●● experience bullying ●● know whom to approach if they have a concern ●● enjoy school ●● are making good progress ●● feel listened to ●● are able to influence decisions in the school
Challenges for HOST Communicating vision of Enhancement Model to key partners: LA, PCT, Teenage Pregancy, DAAT, Obesity Strategy, Extended services, SCHOOLS! “Buy in” of Senior managers Working links with the right people, attending the right meetings e.g school improvement partners Quality Assurance function
National Indicators NIs help Local authorities and partner organisations track progress against national outcomes Government has 30 public service agreements (PSA) which set out high level priorities for next 3 years LAs measure their progress towards PSAs by using national indicators
National Indicators Some NIs are statutory( eg Education and attainment) LAs select a further 35 NIs from list of198 which reflect needs and priorities of local area. CYPP sets out priorities relating to children and young people, linked to ECM outcomes
Links to Enhancement Model? Information and data from JSNA, LAA and CYPP helps to carry out needs analysis at stage 2, and identify priorities at stage 3 Can use local information about NIs to help develop meaningful outcomes and early success indicators at stage 4
LAA NI 56 Obesity among primary school age children in Year 6 DCSF DSO NI 110 Young people’s participation in positive activities PSA 14 NI 112 Under 18 conception rate PSA 14 NI 198 Children travelling to school – mode of travel usually used NI 87 Secondary school persistent absence rate DCSF DSO
Glossary activity
Looking at Support Materials Handbook for Local Programmes Handbook for Schools Stage 2: How to conduct a needs analysis, including gathering, analysing and interpreting data Stage 3: How to select priorities
Stage 4: How to develop meaningful outcomes and identify early success indicators Stage 5: How to identify baseline and activities/interventions Stage 7: How to monitor early success indicators
In addition: Mini Guide Glossary Mini Guide National Indicators Planning our change example sheets: Teenage pregnancy Emotional Health and Wellbeing Anti-bullying Substance Misuse Obesity
Activity Read through the guide and try to summarise the key aspects- mind map or….creative tendencies….! Was anything confusing? Any surprises? Questions? Diagram in LP handbook p6 shows all stages…….