ee314 Microprocessor Systems Dr. Mircea DABACAN Electrical Engineering & Computer Science Dept., Washington State University Office: EE/ME 504 Phone: Applied Electronics Dept., Electronics & Telecommunications Faculty, Technical University of Cluj-Napoca ROMANIA
Introduction Textbook: "An Introduction to the Intel Family of Microprocessors" by James L. Antonakos n Synopsis:The objective of this course is to gain an understanding of the basic hardware and software concepts necessary for the design of microprocessor based systems. This will be accomplished through the study of the architecture of the Intel family of microprocessors and related personal computers, and the study of assembly language programming.
The topics to be studied include: n 80x86 microprocessor architecture including CPU fetch and execute cycle, internal registers, memory systems n 80x86 assembly programming including Number systems, addressing modes, data movement, program control, arithmetic and logic instructions n Stack memory, including organization, procedure calls and parameter passing n Hardware specifications of 80x86 processors including bus signals and timing n Memory systems, including ROM, SRAM, DRAM. Address decoding and control signals, cache memory n I/O interfacing. Direct vs. memory-mapped I/O, digital and analog peripheral interfaces n Math coprocessors n Microcomputer Bus standards n Disk drive hardware and software organization n Direct Memory Access