Bus 411 DAY 25
Agenda USA Truck Student choice of Last Case Team 1 Home Depot Team 2 Harrah's T Team 3 Liz Claiborne Team work Send me your presentation at least 30 min prior to class All presentation will be uploaded to class slides directory for further use and evaluation.
Timeline May 1 Team 1 Home Depot Case Study Team work Peer review sheets Sent May 4 Team 2 Harrah's T Team 3 Liz Claiborne Take home portion of Final exam assigned 10 essay questions Mostly from the cases presented in class Peer Reviews Due May 8AM In Class Final exam (2 Hrs) Combination of M/C, Short Answer (10 words or less) and Analysis (Matrices, EPS/EBIT, Ratios, etc) Mostly from the first 9 chapters Open book, Open notes No computers Bring Calculators Take home portion of final exam due
Case Presentation Analysis Company: Date: Presenting Team Members: Place comments after each rating.Ratings (circle the appropriate numbers). CONTENTPoorBelow Average Above Average Superior 1. Mission and Vision Statement Thoroughness, accuracy, and depth of external analysis Thoroughness, accuracy, and depth of internal analysis Identification and evaluation of alternative strategies using matrices Quality, quantity, feasibility, and relevance of recommendations Justification and support for recommendations12345 DELIVERY 1. Organization of presentation Professionalism of presentation Use of visuals and color Communication skills of team Use of time (40 min presentation) Handling of questions (up to 10 minutes)12345 OVERALL EVALUATION:12345 Numeric Score = 40 + (Avg * 12)
Peer Review for Case studies Put your name and your team members’ names in the spaces provided, one name at the top of each column. Names: Ratings: On time for all group meetings: Helped keep the group cohesive: Number of useful ideas contributed: Quantity of work done: Quality of work done: ++++ Add Total Scores Here: In rating yourself and your team members, use a one- to five-point scale, where 5 = superior, 4 = above average, 3 = average, 2 = below average, and 1 = really weak. Add the scores to obtain a total score for yourself and the other group members. Put any comments you like on the bottom or back of this page. Fold this sheet when you complete the ratings below. If you receive a poor rating on this evaluation, your final case average will be lowered one letter grade. A superior rating may add points to the final case average.