Presented by: Nicole Munroe, Kristin Hill, & Laura Walters Grades 4-6
Look around you…What do you notice? Our world is made up of many different people who believe and celebrate holidays in a variety of ways. To help celebrate the many diverse holidays of our world, Hallmark is creating a new line of greeting cards written and created by elementary students around the world. Are you up for the challenge? Introduction
Your mission is to research, with a partner, one of the holidays celebrated around the world and together you will create a Hallmark greeting card. In addition, you and your partner will be required to give an oral presentation which consists of a report of your chosen holiday and the showcasing of your holiday greeting card.
***CLICK ON THE HIGHLIGHTED WORDS*** Step One: Find out who your partner ispartner Step Two: Select a holiday from the listholiday provided. To Step Three…
Partner List Joey and Bobby Clare and Karen Sarah and Bobby Joe Carlee and Stephanie Devon and Doug Shawn and Nicole Mackenzie and Sophia Michael and Jessica Laura and Mark Steven and Sean Luke and Dave
Holidays Kwanzaa Hanukkah Chinese New Year Cinco de Mayo Mardi Gras Dia de los Muertos (Day of the Dead) Rosh Hashana Christmas Easter Ramadan Halloween Purim Yom Kippur ** Check with your teacher about your choice before beginning! **
Using the worksheet your teacher provided, research your holiday thoroughly.worksheet ** Use ONLY the provided websites to conduct your research **research Step Three
Kwanzaa – – – Hanukkah – – – Chinese New Year – ar.htmlhttp:// ar.html – Cinco de Mayo – –
Mardi Gras – – – Dia de los Muertos (Day of the Dead) – s.htmlhttp:// s.html – – Rosh Hashana – – nchor21750 nchor21750
Christmas – iday/christmas.htmhttp:// iday/christmas.htm – Easter – – Ramadan – – –
Halloween – n/index.html#abouthalloweenhttp:// n/index.html#abouthalloween – Purim – – Yom Kippur – – tmhttp:// tm
If you can’t find certain facts on the provided websites, feel free to search around on the following sites: – – – – tlight/holidayshttp:// tlight/holidays To Step Four…
Using the research you collected on your holiday, create a greeting card that is: ☺Free of Spelling and Grammar Mistakes ☺ Respectful ☺ Informative ☺ Colorful ☺ Creative ☺ Accurate THINK OUT OF THE BOX!!!!! If you need IDEAS feel free to look at the greeting cards displayed in the front of the room on the chalkboard. Step Four To Step Five…
Prepare to present an oral report on your holiday and your greeting card to the class. –You will be presenting: A brief introduction of your holiday (i.e. what it celebrates) and why you chose that holiday. Your greeting card. Make sure you show how your research has been incorporated into your card. Be sure you can provide an explanation for all details in your card. Tell us three interesting facts you discovered about your holiday. Step Five How will I be graded?
For this project, you can earn a total of 100 points. Participation and Cooperation = 5 pts Question Worksheet = 15 pts Greeting Card = 50 pts Total –Grammar, Spelling & Punctuation = 10pts –Creativity and Design = 15 pts –Accuracy and Informative= 25 pts Oral Presentation = 30 pts Total –Presentation = 10 pts –Introduction = 5 pts –Research and Explanation on Greeting Card = 15 pts
Congratulations!!!! Hallmark is lucky to have a designer like you! Since our world is full of diversity, your knowledge of the different holidays will help you relate to others all around the world. All cards will be displayed throughout the school to show your new found knowledge of the diverse holidays celebrated throughout the world. Who knows… Hallmark might even select your card for their new holiday greeting line.