There are many natural wonders that lay beneath the waters surrounding the UAE. Some are yet to be discovered, some are flourishing and some are in danger. Here, we are going to look at a rather strange creature that swims in the waters near Abu Dhabi.
Across the Arabian Gulf and cruising amongst the mangroves of Abu Dhabi are the bulky water beasts known as dugongs. Dugongs are large marine mammals that are found in tropical and near- tropical seas around the world. They spend their entire lives in the water. Although they resemble dolphins in some ways, they are actually more closely related to elephants.
They are about 3 m long, and weigh up to 400 kg. Its heaviness helps it stay on the sea floor, which it can do for around six minutes. They are a greyish brown colour, and are hairless except for bristles near the mouth. Dugongs eat the sea grass that grows in warm, quite shallow seas. Sea grasses are marine plants that look like grass, and grow on the sandy sea floor in shallow, warm water. Because of their grass diet and how they feed, they are often called ‘sea cows’.
Dugongs are classified as Vulnerable. They were once common throughout the Indian Ocean but now there are only a few thousand left in the Persian Gulf and the Red Sea, and just a few hundred in Asia. Dugongs were once hunted for their meat, oil, skin and tusks but are now protected. Their natural predators are sharks, crocodiles and killer whales. The main threat to dugongs, however, are humans. Like dolphins, dugongs are often caught in fishing nets and drown.
With rapid development of human activities and a growing population in the UAE, there are increased concerns about the loss of habitat and the health of the dugong population. The Gulf hosts an estimated population of 5,000 dugongs, the second largest in the world next to Australia. The warm waters of the emirate are home to at least 40 percent of the dugongs living in the Arabian Gulf, making the UAE critically important for the conservation of dugongs in the region.
The Emirates Environmental Agency Abu Dhabi has been developing policies to help protect the dugong population with the support of the government. How would you help preserve such a species? Are there any other species you think would be classed as vulnerable or endangered in the UAE?
Is the dugong a fish or a mammal? A mammal. What animal is the dugong most closely related to? An elephant! Why are dugongs quite heavy? To help them “sink” to the sea bed to feed. Why have they been nicknamed ‘sea cows’? Because they eat/graze on so much sea grass on the sea floor. What is the main threat to the dugong population/why? Man.
OPTIONAL EXTENSION ACTIVITY Make a list of vulnerable or endangered animals/mammals/aquatic creatures in the UAE. - What sources of information could you use? - What websites could you search? - How do you know these sources are reliable?