“Occupation: Conductorette” January 14/15
Do Now – 5 Min Use context clues to determine what each underline word may mean: She studied hard to attain her goal of going to a good college. Often we need encouragement and practice when we aspire to improve ourselves. I will always persist, no matter what obstacles are in my way.
Debrief Attain – succeed in achieving, to reach Aspire – directing one’s hopes/ambitions towards something Persist – to continue on in spite of difficulty or failure (perseverance)
Copy the Roots Meaning: To Judge or Decide -cri, -crit, -judg -judic
Break Out Time: 5 Minutes Materials: Whiteboards Task: Use Your Technology/Dictionaries to find words using the roots (Minimum of 1 per root) -cri, -crit, -judg -judic
Skills Check: Roots Push/Drive Height/Peak Across 1. Dis, Dif 2. Tra, Trans 3. Acro 4. Cosmo 5. Peal, Pel 6. Polis 7. scrib Push/Drive Height/Peak Across City/Government/State To Write Apart/Not World
Reading Selection: Maya Angelou Selection: “Occupation: Conductorette” The Skinny: Young Maya trying to find a job in a highly segregated part of San Francisco
Answer The Following– 5 Min What do you think it takes to find a job? What does a job mean to you? Do you believe you will be treated fairly looking for a job? Why?
Reading Time: 2 Minutes Page: 73 - Paragraph 1 Answer the following with the quote: What is Angelou’s goal?
Reading Time: 5 Minutes Page 73 Paragraph 2 Answer the following with Quotes What form of work did Maya’s pride prevent her from applying for? How old is she at the time? What job had women come to replace men in?
Reading Time: 10 Min Page 74 Answer the Following: What does Maya mean by “life is cheap, and death entirely free”? How does Maya’s mother respond to her daughters desire to become a conductorette? What actions by the receptionist reveal her dislike of Maya?
Predict Will Maya attain the job she wants? Explain Why/Why Not.
Reading Time: 10 Minutes Page 75 Answer the following with quotes: Whom does the receptionist say is the personnel manager? Do you believe the receptionist? Why/Why Not? What does Maya mean by comparing her encounter with the receptionist to “Hamlet and Laertes”?
On Your Own Time: 20 Min Pages: 76-77 Answer the Following with Evidence: Why does Maya insist on becoming a conductorette even though other jobs pay more? Summarize the process for Maya to attain her employment. What is significant about Maya’s hiring?
Exit Do you believe the barriers and attitudes Maya Angelou faced exist today? Use your own experiences to help explain your answer. Min 7 Sentences