School Bus Drivers Inservice
“STARS” has been developed to provide more equitable funding for school transportation. The current system fully funds some districts. But provides about 65% of funding statewide. School Bus Drivers Inservice
First: students are counted at destinations rather than at school bus stops. Second: counts are done AM and PM. Third: counts are reported three times per year; Fall, Winter & Spring. School Bus Drivers Inservice
The new formula uses the following data: Student Counts. Average distance between bus stops & schools. Destinations served by home-to-school school bus routes. Number of kindergarten routes. A couple of physical descriptions of the district. School Bus Drivers Inservice
STARS funds kids within one road mile, if there is no safe route for them to walk. Students picked up or dropped off in that area must be reported separately. School Bus Drivers Inservice
Three reports each year. Districts may count every day. Counts made at school load zones (AM and PM). Count students within the walk area at the bus stop. School Bus Drivers Inservice
The following counts are reported: Students on school buses. Students bused in the walk area. Students provided with transit passes. School Bus Drivers Inservice
The following counts are reported: Special Education. Bilingual Program. Gifted Program. McKinney-Vento (homeless). Early Childhood (Head Start, ECEAP, etc.). School Bus Drivers Inservice
Student counts for: Kindergarten. Shuttles (Basic or Special). However, districts may require these student counts for their records. School Bus Drivers Inservice
Transportation for after- school academic program students can be reported. Non-academic program students are not reported. School Bus Drivers Inservice
Accurate counts. Reports completed in ink. Driver’s signature in ink. Date. (Pre and Post trip verification). School Bus Drivers Inservice
Daily logs will be required to be completed each day. Counts need to be accurate at each destination. Logs must be completed in ink. School Bus Drivers Inservice
“STARS” will provide more equitable funding for school transportation costs The biggest changes: Student counts at the load zones (AM & PM). Reported three times per year (Fall, Winter & Spring). School Bus Drivers Inservice
1. Name the new student transportation funding system. 2. Where will student counts be performed? School Bus Drivers Inservice
3. When will student counts be reported? 4. Name three requirements for filling out the daily log. School Bus Drivers Inservice