Group name: Think Tank Group member: Zoe ( 张 燕) 13021525 Lucia (王 锦 洁) 13021512 Mia (江翠群) 13021504 Joy (奚婷婷) 13021516.


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QQ/ 微信: 真实教育部认证永久存档, 100% 可查,可随我司工作人员一同前往教育部窗 口递交材料 + 全套文凭【诚招当地代理,有业余时 间的欢迎大家免费咨询,欢迎在校生 】 如果您,或者是您的同学朋友是以下情况,我们都能竭诚为您解决实际问题: 1 、在校期间,因各种原因未能顺利毕业,拿不到官方毕业证;
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Presentation transcript:

Group name: Think Tank Group member: Zoe ( 张 燕) Lucia (王 锦 洁) Mia (江翠群) Joy (奚婷婷)

Content 1.Consolidation of textbook Features of the essay Key word explanation 2. Extension of textbook Depression test Solutions

Features of the essay 1. Short paragraphs 2. Parallel construction ( insufficient sleep, too much work and too little time… ) 3. Frequent use of dashes. 4. Informality

Key word explanation Depression 1.a medical condition in which a person feels very sad and anxious and often has physical symptoms such as being unable to sleep 抑 郁,抑郁症 例: Mr. Thomas was suffering from depression. 托马斯先生当时正受抑郁症折磨。 2. the state of feeling very sad and without hope 沮丧,忧愁 例: Many people associate dark clouds with depression and gloom. 许多人把乌云与沮丧、阴郁联系起来。

3. a period when there is little economic activity and many people are poor or without jobs 萧条期 例: During the Depression, many people had to beg for a living. 在大萧条期间许多人不得不以乞讨为生。 4. a part of a surface that is lower than the parts around it 洼地 例 area pockmarked by rain-filled depressions. … 一个到处都是积满雨水的洼坑的地带。 5. a mass of air that has a low pressure and that often causes rain. 低气压 例: To the northwest lies a depression with clouds and rain. 西北方向有一个云雨密布的低气压。

Depression n depress v depressive adj. 1. 在商业萧条时期, 货币流通滞缓。 During a depression money circulates slowly. 2. 他不再是一个抑郁的人物。 He's no longer a depressive character. 3. 我必须承认国家的形势令我沮丧。 I must admit the state of the country depresses me.

Depression test

Solutions 1. Increasing Social Contact and Support Talk to a therapist Make time for positive people

2. Changing Your Thinking Think positively and realistically Compliment yourself

3. Making Changes to Your Physical Health Exercise on a regular basisAvoid drugs and alcohol

Eat healthySleep better

4. Coping Healthfully Pick up an old hobbyGet outside

Take care of a living thingUse relaxation skills

Thank you!