Life span The average life span for an adult butterfly is 20 to 40 days some species live no longer than three or four days others may live up to six months.
Population Exact numbers are not know since there are about 17,500 species of butterflies spread throughout almost the entire world
Typical Behavior From egg to adult butterflies undergo a series of physical transformation known as metamorphosis. After mating the female butterfly lays her eggs on a caterpillar food or host plan. The egg can hatch within a few days or within a few month or even years depending on wither or not conditions are right.
DECRIBE THE DIET A caterpillar first meal is it own eggshell. It then spends most of its time eating the leaves of the plant on witch it hitch. An adult butterfly uncoils its long straw-like proboscis to sip nectar from flower, juice from rotting fruit and water from puddles
THREATS THE great threats to butterflies are habitat change and loss due to residential/commercial and agricultural development