Three in One: Regeneration lessons learned from ESF/ERDF co-ordination in Camborne, Pool and Redruth Mark Smith Business Development Director
CPR Regeneration CPR Regeneration is Cornwall's Urban Regeneration Company Its aim is to ensure that the area is regenerated in a sustainable way with a range of new homes and employment opportunities alongside community and leisure facilities in an improved environment. Cornwall Council is currently examining proposals to integrate CPR Regeneration into the Cornwall Development Company (CDC)
Camborne, Pool & Redruth: The Challenges Population c46,750 (CPR wards) Businesses 2,000 Jobs located in area 17,450 Relatively large proportion of manufacturing and public services High levels of Inactivity and worklessness External Image of the CPR area Employment Space provision Inward Investment and supply chain support Convergence Programme delivery
Practical Integration
People EnterprisePlace Three in One
Integration: Added value, outputs and impacts For developers: Greater confidence in tenants, increased demand for workspace For community: Engagement in business activities, increased job opportunities For end-users: Coordinated support for growth
Building the Workspace – work with Constructive Cornwall, ESF programmes and the private sector to provide: ActivityLink with ESF Programmes Experience days for young people – construction / management planning ESF NEETS programmes ESF Vocational Routeways Programme Supply chain – encourage developer to user local contractors and require they are off sufficient standard (trained). Encourage developer to include training placements on site. ESF Workforce Development training programmes Apprenticeships for young peopleESF Apprenticeships programmes Works Placements for workless peopleESF Cornwall Works Plus programmes ESF Vocational Routeways Programme ESF Adult Work-related Programme
Creating Demand for the Workspace – work with businesses to: ActivityLink with ESF Programmes Provide skills development advice to businesses to support them to grow sufficiently to require additional workspace ESF Workforce Development training programmes Promote ESF programmes to businesses wishing to relocate to the area as an incentive ESF Workforce Development training programmes Support businesses with recruitment concernsESF Cornwall Works Plus programmes
Ongoing impacts – work with individuals and businesses to: ActivityLink with ESF Programmes Encourage tenants to provide training to their workforceESF Workforce Development training programmes Support businesses with recruitment concernsESF Cornwall Works Plus programmes Provide opportunities to workless people with tenant businesses ESF Cornwall Works Plus programmes ESF Vocational Routeways programme
Points and Challenges Programme / Project Design To encourage integration and discourage competition To avoid frictional losses Keeping your eye on the goal To provide cohesive direction To align investment Leaving a legacy To build capacity within Cornwall post-Convergence To increase the ambition of businesses and individuals