A Guide to Commissioned Ministry For further information speak to your Rector or contact Peter Hamill, Diocesan Training Co-ordinator or Ephesians 4: 11,12 It was he who gave some to be apostles, some to be prophets, some to be evangelists, and some to be pastors and teachers, to prepare God’s people for works of service, so that the body of Christ may be built up.
What is a Commissioned Minister? ‘Commissioned Ministry’ is a Connor Diocese initiative that recognises the need for development of every member ministry. People will be commissioned into a particular role in their parish. Such roles may be youth leader, pastoral visitor, music director, or evangelist, however this list is not exhaustive and a parish can decide on any role they feel appropriate. Commissioned Ministers will work as members of a parish team under the direction of the Rector or Director of Ministry. This scheme is designed to help parishes develop team ministries so that the body of Christ may be built up and the Kingdom of God advanced in this ever changing world. Who can become a Commissioned Minister? Anyone over the age of 18 who is nominated by their parish may become a Commissioned Minister. It is expected that they will have demonstrated enthusiasm, commitment and competence in the area into which they are being commissioned. How much of my time will be taken up? Time commitment must be decided between the Commissioned Minister and their Rector / Director of Ministry. They will meet with their Rector or Director of Ministry on a regular basis (possibly once a month). There will be a small number of diocesan training sessions each year. How long are you commissioned for? You will be commissioned initially for two years. A review of your progress will be carried out at the end of the first year. What happens if I move parishes? You are commissioned to your own parish; should you move your parish, appointment as a commissioned minister will be subject to a new agreement with your new Rector / Director of Ministry. What help will I get? Your Rector / Director of Ministry will be available to support you pastorally and spiritually. Further training and support is available from the Diocese. What is the next step in becoming a Commissioned Minister? Your Rector / Director of Ministry in conjunction with the Select Vestry / Ministry Team will nominate you to the Diocese. You will complete a nomination form with your Rector / Director of Ministry. What happens next? Each year the programme will follow this pattern September - Nomination forms returned October – Introductory session for all potential Commissioned Ministers to explain the scheme and answer any questions. October / November – You are introduced in your parish as a nominee for commissioned ministry Ongoing – Specific training will be set up and delivered. This is a trial period when you will work with the parish in your potential commissioned role. December – Commissioning into your role. You will be commissioned by the Bishop’s representative in your area. You will sign a volunteer covenant between your self and your parish committing yourself to the two year role. Pray Please pray for those considering working in these roles and ask others to pray for you to help you find the correct path.