Capacity Building Vladimir Radunović Director, Cybersecurity and E-diplomacy 1 April 2015 WEBINAR
Contents Capacity-building: What is it? What to look for: Main principles and guidelines Needs and challenges: What to keep in mind? Next steps: What is out there? GCCS and CB?
Capacity Building? No, not again! Yes, it’s easy!
Buzz-word Capacity building
Comprehensive approach Learn Research Link Engage Think
What to look for?
Phases Assess existing capacities + define needs Assess change readiness and map and influence stkhlders Formulate goals and objectives Design an approach Measure outcomes Develop monitoring and evaluation
Dimensions What How To Whom Session Training Course WebinarSimulation Gov Tech LA Business Activists HL Coordination Operational Stkhld Level ThemeAngle Cybersecurity Cybercrime IG Digital rights IPS Strategy and policy Policy Technology Law Online In-situBlended
Looking for Approach √ quick (?) √ effective √ low cost (?)...resulting with √ localisation √ inclusiveness √ ownership...producing √ capacity for implementation
Needs and challenges
Holistic approach
“Walking the talk”
Inter-professional communication
Challenges Change readiness Measurement Limitations Funds
Next steps
Questions Thank you for your @vradunovic