October 18, Muon Meeting B. Schmidt Outline: Installation schedule under Discussion Status of Integration activities Possible modifications to the schedule Integration and Installation
October 18, Muon Meeting B. Schmidt Official Installation Schedule: Installation Schedule under Discussion
October 18, Muon Meeting B. Schmidt Comments: Sequence of chamber installation needs to be aligned to chamber production/dressing schedule. We should try to accelerate the installation of the chambers on the PZ-side, to finish before the sector test. Installation Schedule under Discussion
October 18, Muon Meeting B. Schmidt Constraints: Installation Schedule under Discussion
October 18, Muon Meeting B. Schmidt Manpower required: Resources
October 18, Muon Meeting B. Schmidt Platforms and staircases behind M5 (US-side): Integration and Installation Scaffolding for the cryo-line has been removed, despite the fact that the tests are not completed... -> Installation of the staircases and platforms started.
October 18, Muon Meeting B. Schmidt Platforms and staircases behind M5 (PZ- side): Integration and Installation Design ready Price Enquiry being launched Installation could earliest start December 1, 2005
October 18, Muon Meeting B. Schmidt General Support Structures: Integration and Installation Delivery of preassembled components this week. Work on traction system not finished. Nacelles need ‘certificate of conformity’ to be approved by the safety commission.
October 18, Muon Meeting B. Schmidt Proposed schedule: 1.Refurbishing of zone behind M5 US-side: – PZ-side:10.12 – Mounting general support structure US-side – PZ-side: – Installation chamber structure (LNF) US-side: – PZ-side: – Integration of nacelles and guiding system > Only possible if the open safety issues don’t cause a delay (visit to company scheduled for Friday). 5.On detector cabling, gas piping M4/M5: – > Cables for M2/M3 come only in Feb’06, installation only in April ’06 -> Conflict with chamber installation, starting at the same time, due to nacelles, needed for both tasks. -> We have to consider buying a 3 rd nacelle ! Installation of Services
October 18, Muon Meeting B. Schmidt Conclusions The installation of the M2-M5 infrastructure is on the critical path. With the open questions (e.g. on the nacelles and the cable quality) it is difficult to take the decisions required to bring the project back on schedule.
October 18, Muon Meeting B. Schmidt Cabling: Good news: - Best bidder for cable well within our budget - Positive experience of CMS, but not on big samples Bad news: - Prototypes have to be done. Plan (agreed with Adalberto and CERN purchase office): - Order ~10% of LVDS and ~15% of ECS cables (for M4/M5 cryo side) -> Allows to avoid delay in chamber installation (which will start with M5 cryo side). -> In case of unexpected problems with prototype, financial losses are limited, while schedule problems are then unavoidable. Similar situation for HV-cables (same company). Situation with LV-cables to be clarified further. Integration and Installation
October 18, Muon Meeting B. Schmidt On detector Gas Piping: Progress in LNF (Emiliano, Massimo) on design of distribution box. Gas pipes of PEEK type turned out to be MUCH too expensive (~15 × more expensive than copper) ->Optimized design now being finalized (meet next week) ->Validation tests can hopefully been done within the next 3-4 weeks Integration and Installation
October 18, Muon Meeting B. Schmidt Impedance (Δp) adaptation requirement: Ensure an equal pressure drop of about 1mbar for each individual chamber. Old scheme: New scheme: Gas Distribution Scheme Manifolds Distr.box Chambers 3mm PEEK pipe Capillary 8mm copper pipe x16 Manifolds Distr.box Chambers 4/2mm copper pipe Capillary 8mm copper pipe x8
October 18, Muon Meeting B. Schmidt Cooling: Reminder about power consumption: Reminder of cooling strategy: The chambers in regions R1 and R2 have up to 24 FE-boards/chamber and hence quite a large power consumption on a small area ->We foresee to have a sort of air cooling, where air of about 17 o C is blown into or around the chambers in R1 and R2 in stations M1-M3 Integration and Installation
October 18, Muon Meeting B. Schmidt Cooling for FE-boards: In order to avoid hot spots close to the beam pipe, air blowers are foreseen for both sides, providing an airflow of about 400m3/h (this would be enough to remove about 2.5kW of dissipated power by air. Distribution principle: Temperature reduction due to cooling: ΔT 2,3 ~ 7.5 o C Hoses have 30mm diameter Something similar is planned for M1 Cost estimate: ~30kCHF Schedule: Blowers for M2-M3 ready for installation in January 2006 Integration and Installation