Intro Objective 11/16/11 Identify minerals. Check and Hand-in Missing Assignments Write Q&A: What do you think are some ways to identify a mineral by?
7 Ways to Identify Minerals Color Luster Streak Fracture Texture Density Hardness
Color Describes the color that a mineral appears to be in regular light
Luster How shiny a mineral is High Medium Dull
Streak The color that a mineral leaves on a streak-plate
Fracture How easily a mineral breaks cleanly
Texture How rough or smooth the mineral is Rough Medium Smooth
Density How much material makes up a mineral Mass ÷ Volume = Density
Hardness Tested by scratching the mineral with a fingernail, penny, or steel nail. Moh’s Hardness Scale Ranked 1 to 10 10 is the hardest
Moh’s Hardness Scale identifies a minerals hardness by comparing it to another object or mineral
Objective 11/16/11 Outro Identify minerals. Of the 7 ways to identify minerals, which one is the least helpful? Why?