ACTION PLAN ON LABOUR MIGRATION GROUP PRESENTATION Labour Migration in The Greater Mekong Sub-Region GROUP 3 - Mr. Sou Chankresna, Cambodia - Mr. Khamphinh Philakone, LAO PDR - Mr. Le Khac Nghi, Viet Nam - Mr. Kyaw Kyaw Lwin, Myanmar - Ms. Win Win Mar, Myanmar - Mr. Fu, MingXi, China MEKONGINSTITUTEMEKONGINSTITUTE
Labour Migration in The Greater Mekong Sub-Region GROUP 3 Introduction Joint action plan on Labour Migration was created by a group 3 from Cambodia, Viet Nam, China, Lao PDR, and Myanmar. After the training course we have got lots of knowledge, experience, and lesson learnt from participants of 6 countries among GMS and also from MI. The action plan is come from our opinion that we just have learned from the context lesson and leant from facilitators during 3 weeks in MI. Anyway, We would suggest all of you to provide us comments and new idea to develop our action plan. MEKONGINSTITUTEMEKONGINSTITUTE
Labour Migration in The Greater Mekong Sub-Region GROUP 3 Vision “Migrants’ rights are human right” We work together for the full recognition, respect and promotion of human rights of all migrant workers and their families in GMS region. MEKONGINSTITUTEMEKONGINSTITUTE
Labour Migration in The Greater Mekong Sub-Region GROUP 3 Contents I.6 months action plan 1. Report to ministries on the course participation 2. Sharing Knowledge and information II.Initiative idea for future plan 1. Set up Information networking System between GMS countries 2. Mainstreaming Information of Labour Migration through education systems and publications 3. Make balance in education system among GMS countries 4. Initiative for MOU in GMS countries MEKONGINSTITUTEMEKONGINSTITUTE
Labour Migration in The Greater Mekong Sub-Region GROUP 3 6 MONTHS ACTION PLAN Description ActionTime frame (Years 2010) Involved Stakeholder locationchallenge Dec/J an FebMarAprMayJun Report to our director/ ministries about training course participation Group 3 member Our countries/ Our ministries Sharing knowledge and experience - prepare slide presentation (related our course, experience, knowledge from GMS countries) - sharing knowledge and experience to students (govt. staff) and colleague - get feedback from other colleague and send to our group for making comment - make a recommendation/ share information during meeting and seminar…..etc -Send and providing comment on the information to each other ( Group 3) - combined information and prepare a report to MI -Finalize report and send to MI and MMN Group 3 member colleague Government agency, NGO, UN Agency, Our country, Our ministries - We need to ask for approval from our director to prepare a meeting - some of our group not working related to Labour Migration
Labour Migration in The Greater Mekong Sub-Region GROUP 3 FUTURE ACTION PLAN Description ActionTime frame (Years) Involved Stakeholder locationchallenge Set up Information networking System between GMS countries Government of GMS countries (Ministries/COM, MOI, Ministry of Labour….), NGO, International Organization, Private sector Development partner, etc.. GMS Countries- Need support from NGo, INGO, - Technical advisor, - Resource person - Willingness of GMS countries - create Technical Working Group on information network in each countries among GMS - Round table meeting between GMS countries to discuss about information networking system - Create joint website on the Labour migration in GMS selected Ministries(MOI, MOL…..), NGO, International Org. Government GMS countries, Ngo, IO, Private sector. GMS countries Each countries In a country of GMS Countries
Labour Migration in The Greater Mekong Sub-Region GROUP 3 Description ActionTime frame (Years) Involved Stakeholder locationchallenge Manstreaming Information of Labour Migration in to education system and Publication Government GMS countries (Ministry of Labour, Ministry of education), NGO, International Organization, Private sector Development partner, etc.. GMS Countries- Need support from NGo, INGO, - Technical advisor, - Resource person - Cooperation between Ministry of Labour and Ministry of education to create labour migration framework in each countries of GMS ( by using existing data, information and mechanism) - Mainstreaming in to the education system - Publisher in TV, Radio, media, Ministries(MOL, MO-Education..), NGO, Inter-Org, Technical advisor. Govt GMS countries MO-Information Each countries GMS Countries FUTURE ACTION PLAN
Labour Migration in The Greater Mekong Sub-Region GROUP 3 Description ActionTime frame (Years) Involved Stakeholder locationchallenge Make balance in education system among GMS countries Government GMS countries (Ministry of education), Ngo, International Org, civil society. GMS Countries- Need Recourse person - Support from INGO, NGO, GOVt, - Strengthening education system among GMS countries - Joint International meting Between GMS countries to discuss about a policy frame work for creating 1 system of education (sign agreement to recognize one model of GMS certificate,……etc. ) - Sharing Knowledge and information between GMS countries, (student can go to study in GMS country during 3-6 months, exchange teacher, study visit to GMS countries.) Ministry of education Government GMS countries (Ministry of education), Ngo, International Org, civil society. GMS country, Ministry of education, GMS Countries Country of GMS FUTURE ACTION PLAN
Labour Migration in The Greater Mekong Sub-Region GROUP 3 Description ActionTime frame (Years) Involved Stakeholder locationchallenge Initiative for MOU in GMS countries Government Agencies in GMS countries, NGO, International Organization, Private sector Development partner, etc.. GMS Countries- Need willingness from 6 Governments in GMS. - Take long times - Need capacity resource person and budget - Preparing for a joint report on initiative idea to create MOU in GMS countries - Creating Technical team among 6 counties to discuss and make policy - review existing MOU to seek for a new method and policy guideline to set up a zero draft of MOU - seek for support from other NGO, International organization, Private Sector, Civil Society, and Development Partner to help in formulation process - make a series of international forum between GMS countries to dicuss about zero draft of MOU, first draft…….. Final draft. - Sign MOU of GMS coutries Participants. Resource in each countries NGO, International Organization, Private sector Development partner, etc.. Government Agencies, Each countries in GMS GMS Countries FUTURE ACTION PLAN