Term 1 This is a term with two words. It describes a part of the earth’s surface or crust. There are several of them in the earth’s crust.
The last letter of the first word is ‘c’, the the last letter of the second word is ‘e’. Term 1 They formed billions of years ago when the earth cooled as a molten ball of rock, and the surface crack into these pieces.
Term 2 This is a term with one word. It describes the force that results when two tectonic plates rub past each other.
Term 2 It is the resistance that occurs when two plates attempt to slide past each other. The first letter of this word is f.
It describes the shaking of the ground that sometimes happens hours or days after a large earthquake. Term 3 This word has 10 letters.
The last letter of this word is ‘k’. Term 3 This word does not happen before an earthquake.
Term 3 This is a smaller earthquake that follows the main earthquake.
Term 4 This term describes one of the layers below the surface of the ground inside planet earth. It is only one word.
The first syllable of this is the word for a male human being. Term 4 The third letter of this word is ‘n’, and the fourth letter is ‘t’.
The second syllable in this word means ‘middle’. Term 5 This word is used to describe the middle point of an earthquake.
The first and last letters of this word are the same. Term 5 This word has 9 letters.
Term 1 is tectonic plate.
Term 2 is friction.
Term 3 is aftershock.
Term 4 is mantle.
Term 5 is epicentre.