NAME THE PHYSICAL AND NATURAL FEATURES Once a transect is drawn, we can make generalisations about features such as landforms, vegetation, soils, transport settlement and agricultural land use.
Transects are easily made from topographic maps. Topographic maps show a bird’s eye view of features on the ground and their heights.
Transects are used to show the relationship between different features of the physical and human environments along a cross-section or between two points-in this case points D to B Which of the following would most likely represent the transect from Point D to Point B?
Activity-teacher demonstrates Draw a transect of Guzzleville between Point A and the Observation Tower. Draw a straight line between Point A and the Observation Tower. Refer to your key first. Use a key in the space provided.
QUESTIONS WHAT IS THE LANDFORM IN THE BAKER’S RIDGE AREA What type of vegetation is found around Mt Connor What is the main land-use in the Slingshot creek area? What type of landform is most suitable for dairy farming? Give reasons why the Mt Connor area is not suitable for crop growing?
Complete a transect for the Narrabeen lakes area. What observations can you make about land-use in the area? Don’t forget to look at your topographic key.