Copyright2004 Pearson Education Canada Inc. Learning Objectives Describe the proper attitude to display toward closing the sale List and discuss selected guidelines for closing the sale Explain how to recognize closing clues Copyright2004 Pearson Education Canada Inc.
Learning Objectives (Continued) Discuss selected methods of closing the sale Explain what to do when the buyer says yes and what to do when the buyer says no Copyright2004 Pearson Education Canada Inc.
Copyright2004 Pearson Education Canada Inc. Step Five: Close Plan appropriate closing methods Recognize closing clues Initiate closing methods Copyright2004 Pearson Education Canada Inc.
Looking at Closing From The Prospect’s Point of View Consider these buyer questions: Do I really need this product? Does this product measure up to the competition? Should I postpone buying? Will this supplier stand behind the product? What will my friends think if I buy this item? Copyright2004 Pearson Education Canada Inc.
Strategic Planning for Closing the Sale Review possible barriers to closing the sale Review closing guidelines Prepare several closing methods Plan to ask for the order more than once Practise closing Copyright2004 Pearson Education Canada Inc.
Guidelines for Closing the Sale Focus on dominant buying motives Negotiate the tough points before attempting a close Be patient Avoid surprises at the close Copyright2004 Pearson Education Canada Inc.
Guidelines for Closing the Sale (Continued) Do not isolate the prospect Show confidence Ask for the order more than once Recognize closing clues / buying signals Copyright2004 Pearson Education Canada Inc.
Recognizing Closing Clues A closing clue is an indication, either verbal or non-verbal, that a prospect is preparing to make a buying decision. Copyright2004 Pearson Education Canada Inc.
Recognizing Closing Clues Verbal Clues Questions Recognitions Requirements Copyright2004 Pearson Education Canada Inc.
Recognizing Closing Clues (Continued) Non-Verbal Clues Facial Body Language Examination Copyright2004 Pearson Education Canada Inc.
Methods to Close the Sale Trial Close: Reveals readiness or unwillingness to buy A Trial Close is a closing attempt made at an opportune time during the sales presentation to encourage the customer to reveal readiness or unwillingness to buy. Copyright2004 Pearson Education Canada Inc.
Methods to Close the Sale (Continued) Summary-of-Benefits Close: Re-emphasize the key benefits Assumption Close: Assumes the positive response Special Concession Close: Something extra for acting now Copyright2004 Pearson Education Canada Inc.
More Methods to Close the Sale Multiple Options Close: offers a choice of options Direct Appeal Close: Straightforward request to act now Combination Close: Two or more closing methods used Copyright2004 Pearson Education Canada Inc.
Copyright2004 Pearson Education Canada Inc. When to Trial Close Approach Positive response Presentation Trial close Demonstration Trial close Negotiation Negative response Trial close Close Copyright2004 Pearson Education Canada Inc.
A Closing Worksheet Includes A Closing Clue from the buyer Example: “That sounds fine.” A Closing Method choice Example: Direct Appeal Close A Closing Statement from the salesperson Example: “Good, may I get your signature on this order form?” Copyright2004 Pearson Education Canada Inc.
When the Buyer Says “Yes” Confirm with reassurance that they have made a good decision Reduce buyer’s remorse or dissonance Offer appreciation Continue to prospect Let them know you are available post-sale Copyright2004 Pearson Education Canada Inc.
Copyright2004 Pearson Education Canada Inc. Buyer Remorse . . . or “cognitive dissonance” is feelings of regret, fear, or anxiety that a buyer may feel after placing an order. Copyright2004 Pearson Education Canada Inc.
When the Buyer Says “No” Prepare the buyer for competition contact Review your strong points one more time Analyze what happened Say “thank you” Continue to prospect Copyright2004 Pearson Education Canada Inc.