TARGETED GROUP/VETERAN OWNED BUSINESS DISADVANTAGED BUSINESS ENTERPRISE CONSULTANT CONTRACT REQUESTS PURPOSE The MnDOT Targeted Group Business (TGB)/Veteran Owned Business (VET) program is a part of the MnDOT initiative to increase small business participation on state funded consultant services contracts. MnDOT’s Disadvantaged Business Enterprise (DBE) program increases small business participation on federally funded consultant services contracts.
TGB/VET/DBE CONSULTANT CONTRACT REQUEST CONT.’ Any MnDOT State funded highway consultant contract must have established TGB/VET small business participation goals. Contracts receiving federal funds must have established DBE small business participation goals. Small Business Program Specialists evaluate each proposal for state or federal funds on MnDOT contracts before it is advertised. The specialists then set TGB/VET/DBE small business participation goals. These goals are stated in the TGB/VET/DBE special provisions, which are included in the contract proposal.
TGB/Vet/DBE Goal Setting Process and Guidance All competitively solicited projects, that are entirely state funded, need to be reviewed by the Office of Civil Rights (OCR) so that a TGB or VET preference goal can be established. The federally funded projects need to be reviewed by OCR so that a DBE goal can be established. The following information should be submitted, in an , to Joyce Brown-Griffin (Small Business Program Specialist) and Rajan Nayar (OCR Admin.) Goal Request Cover Sheet Certification Form and Scope of Services RFP, Pre-Qualification Announcement or Quick Call for Proposals
TGB/Vet/DBE Contract Clearance Process Guidance OCR establishes a TGB/VET or DBE goal. Consultant Services selects a Prime Consultant Contractor and requests a contract clearance. The following information should be submitted, in an , to Joyce Brown-Griffin (Small Business Program Specialist) and Rajan Nayar (OCR Admin.) Contract Clearance Request Cover Sheet Exhibit A’s identifying the TGB/VET or DBE sub-consultant and the scopes of work they will be performing. The Exhibit A must be signed by the Sub-consultant Bidders List
TGB/Vet/DBE Contract Clearance Process Guidance Cont.’ Additional Good Faith Efforts (GFE) documents if goal is not met include: Bidders List Certificate of Good Faith Efforts Good Faith Efforts Affidavit TGB/VET/or DBE waiver form Any additional information the consultant provides to demonstrate its good faith efforts
OCR’s Contract Clearance Process The Office of Civil Rights (OCR) reviews the TGB/VET or DBE documentation submitted for good faith efforts. If OCR determines that good faith efforts were made, clearance documents are drafted and forwarded to the OCR Director for signature. The signed clearance documents are then sent to the Prime Consultant, Project Manager, and Consultant Services. If OCR determines that adequate good faith efforts were not made, a recommendation for contract clearance denial is drafted and forwarded to the OCR Director.
OCR’s Contract Clearance Process Cont.’ If the OCR Director denies the Good Faith Effort (GFE) waiver, the Prime Consultant is notified in writing and they will have 5 business days to request a reconsideration hearing. An Administrative hearing panel will make the final good faith efforts determination. If the waiver is granted, Consultant Services may proceed with contract agreement. If the waiver is denied, Consultant Services must re-assign the contract to a new firm.
CONTACT INFORMATION For information regarding the Office of Civil Rights TGB/Vet/DBE Goal Setting and Contract Clearance Process for Consultant Contracts Call: Joyce Brown-Griffin Small Business Program Specialist Delores Perez DBE Team Leader MnDOT Metro District West Sean Skibbie Small Business Contracting Supervisor