Name That Book!
GraphicLocal AuthorsTragedy Made (or being made into) TV One Word TitlesMade into a Movie Monsters
One Word Titles #1#2
Monsters #1#2
Graphic #1#2
Local Authors #1#2
Tragedy #1#2
Made into a Movie #1#2
Made (or being made into) TV #1#2
Extreme makeovers
A colony of rebel refugees from the "tyranny of physical perfection."
In a world of extreme beauty, those who are normal are the….
The new face of freedom…
has survived 2 rounds of a deadly game.
And will unite all districts in a rebellion.
A story of “gothic horror at its finest and most disturbing.” - VOYA
No ordinary apprenticeship…
has one seeking out the headless, shark-toothed bipeds know as Anthropophagi.
England is overrun with unmentionables.
It is not unusual for a young lady’s formal training to now include lessons in the deadly arts.
Fans will enjoy plenty of action due to ultra-violent zombie mayhem.
First published in Akamaru Jump in 1997.
He has the nine-tailed demon fox sealed within him.
And his mission is to become the greatest ninja ever!
Ramona Flowers…
has seven evil ex-boyfriends
and he must defeat them all to win her love.
A failed theft attempt leads to a new disguise.
But when her past is discovered, she is forced to spy.
And what she discovers may lead to civil war…
Summer vacation and now newly single.
A Hollywood movie filming in town +
The lead role starring opposite Hilary Idaho =
Bad decisions led to 22 months at Progress Center,
work-release with cranky old men at the assisted living center
and the realization that to break the cycle, “I know I got to start with me”.
Meet Hunter (19), Autumn (17) and Summer (15).
They share one thing in common…
Their meth addicted mother, Kristina.
In one night, everything changed.
Everyone blamed her for spoiling their fun.
But she hadn’t told anyone what really happened.
Gone missing: my mixed- breed cat, half domestic tabby, half Scottish wildcat.
Need serious help understanding: the point of ridiculously small stupid underwear.
Think Bridget Jones, then subtract about 20 years.
It’s Gossip Girls meets I Know What You Did Last Summer
They were best friends once: Alison, Spencer, Aria, Emily and Hanna
But what exactly happened to Alison the night she disappeared at their 7 th grade slumber party?
A love triangle of unspeakable horror.
Elena is used to getting what she wants.
But can she handle coming between two brothers who share a a dark secret?