Moral Philosophy, Introduction Introduction to Philosophy Jason M. Chang
Lecture Outline 1. Intro to ethics 2. Moral theory 3. Queen v. Dudley and Stevens
Intro to moral philosophy Morality (or ethics) Definition Morality vs. the law
Intro to moral philosophy Moral philosophy (aka ethics) Definition Social science vs. moral philosophy
Intro to moral philosophy What questions arise when discussing a hospital’s euthanasia policy?
Intro to moral philosophy Sub-divisions in moral philosophy o Applied ethics o Normative ethics o Metaethics
Moral theory Trolley problems o Trolley o Sumo Question What makes an act morally right? What makes an act morally wrong?
Moral theory o Definition o Features of a moral theory General Prescriptive
Moral theory Types of moral theory o Consequentialist theories o Non-consequentialist theories
Moral theory Moral theories covered in this course o Consequentialist theories Egoism Utilitarianism o Non-consequentialist theories Divine command theory Natural law theory Kantianism
The Queen v. Dudley and Stevens
Facts: May 19, 1884: The English yacht Mignoette sets sail Crew = Dudley, Stephens, Brooks, and Parker the cabin boy July 5: Mignoette sunk; crew forced onto lifeboat Crew has little food and no drinking water July 18: Dudley and Stephens kill Parker Crew feeds on Parker’s body and blood
The Queen v. Dudley and Stevens The issue Whether Tom Dudley and Edwin Stevens did the morally right thing