Directions: 1.Divide the class into two teams: X’s & O’s. Begin the game. 2.Once all characters have been introduced, you will come to a screen with all the characters. Explain how Tic-Tac-Toe is played & that placement of x’s & o’s determines the winner – not just getting the correct answer. 3.Allow one team to go first & click on a character. 4.The color word will appear. One student on that team should spell and then say the color word. If they are correct, click on the character and the color word will appear in that color (ex: yellow will appear as yellow.) 5.If a team player gets it wrong, the opposing team gets a chance. 6.After the correct answer appears, click on the ‘Home’ button to go back to the main Squares page. Place an X or an O in that character’s box. 7.Repeat steps Once one team wins, click on the corresponding button on the main Square page. A Congratulations banner will appear.
Welcome to... A Game of X’s and O’s © All rights
Scoreboard X O Click Here if X Wins Click Here if O Wins
1 yellow
1 yellow Home
2 blue
2 blue
3 orange
3 orange
4 black
4 black
5 green
5 green Home
6 purple
6 purple
7 white
7 white
8 red
8 red
9 brown
9 brown