education family teaching experience beliefs about teaching and learning Who is this teacher?
Projects Development of organizational skills Culminating activities each theme Team name and logo Team building/reputation Increased responsibility Student-centered instruction Student presentations Sense of ownership What will this class be like?
? ? AKS/GPS Common Core Large themes with connections Curriculum
? ? Monday through Thursday: 20 minutes reading math practice (purple book) Thinkermath page weekly spelling tic-tac-toe tasks (at times, completion of a step in a larger project - usually science or social studies - or part of a literature study) Homework
? ? ALWAYS talk to me! is best (use the magnet info.) daily communication through assignment book (students are to have page initialed each evening at home) no phone calls after 9 pm please Friday folders every week (please initial) and newsletters 2 times a month Communication
Team Building
? ? one warning strike one – note in assignment book and 5 minute recess penalty strike two – note in assignment book and 10 minute recess penalty strike three – note in assignment book and loss of all privileges additional strike – meeting with AP Class Guidelines
? ? attendance grading transportation changes cafeteria charges promotion requirements textbooks Harvard Study Other Topics
Our Day 7:45bell, breakfast 8:25 – 8:55CQI Math/Language Arts 9:00 – 10:25Literacy 10:28 – 10:53Recess 10:53 – 11:18 Lunch (line #1, table #8) 11:18 – 11:30Read Aloud/Grammar/Spelling 11:30 – 12:30Math 12:30 – 12:55Math Integrated Sc/Social Studies 12:55 – 1:40Specials 1:40 – 2:30Science/Social Studies 2:30 – 2:45SQUIRT/dismissal
Our Day signing in and completing dailies
Our Day working breakfast
Our Day writing workshop
Our Day reading workshop
Our Day going to lunch and recess
Our Day read aloud
Our Day math workshop
Our Day going to specials Day 1 – PE Day 2 – Art Day 3 – Music Day 4 – Science Day 5 – PE Day 6 – math Day 7 - computer
Our Day science/social studies
Our Day afternoon responsibilities
Our Day SQUIRT (sustained, quiet, uninterrupted, independent reading time)
? ? Questions Evaluation Form