Chapter 6: The Curriculum of Practice Parallel EQ: How does the curriculum of practice relate to your content?
General Notes Most students ask questions that seem quite natural, but if examined closely, parallel the questions asked by researchers in various disciplines. Emphasizes opportunities for students to learn the skills that professionals use in various disciplines to construct new knowledge. Guides students to take part in the journey of researching questions or solving problems as scholars or expert practitioners in the discipline
Definition of Curriculum of Practice Students do the disciplines rather than simply trying to absorb it. Begins with students acquiring knowledge of the key facts, concrete and principles Extends those understandings by enabling students to “practice” or to learn firsthand how to use the skills and methods practiced by practicing professionals
How do you use curriculum of practice in your lessons?
Purpose for using Curriculum of Practice Provides means for continued learning Assists in knowing how to respond when answers to problems are not immediately apparent Teaches them how to use data in valid and reliable ways Promotes and values questions of assumptions Expands fluency and flexibility as problem solvers in the field
Sample Focusing Questions What are the theories that govern the field of knowledge? How do practitioners organize their knowledge and skill in their fields? What are indicators of quality in the field? What tools does a practitioner use in his or her work? What are the features of routine problems in the field?
Why should a teacher emphasize the practice? Students practice or learn firsthand Acquire advanced-level understanding of the knowledge and methodology used within particular disciplines Help students set goals to achieve Students apply skills and methods
Characteristics of the Curriculum Components Persisting Managing Impulsitivity Listening to others with empathy and Thinking flexibility Thinking about thinking Striving for accuracy and precision Creating, imagining, and innovating Responding with wonderment and awe Taking responsible risks
Key Process Skills Time management Organization Quotation Goal setting Self-motivation Recognizing problems Analyzing data Reporting research findings Seeking and using feedback
What products can be developed using the skills obtained?
Sample Products Journals Student forums Service Performances Problem solutions Explanations Publications Exhibits Reflections
Paths to AID Call on students to develop a language of reflections about problems and scenarios in the field. Make it possible for students to submit best- quality exemplars of their own work to experts in a field for expert-level feedback Have students work on problems currently posing difficulty for experts in the discipline.
Reflection: Discussion Question Why should students engage in the Curriculum of Practice as a part of their education?
Preview No Class January 17 Student Learning Map Due January 24