Week 2: Managing quality Outcome 1 ‘Pc (a)’
Quality? Your ideas of quality? Please complete task on page 98 of booklet. Degree or standard of excellence. (dictionary definition of quality)
what do we mean by quality in ee and cc? Striving for and maintaining a high quality service for children and their families by; Meeting the needs and expectations of parents, carers and children. Knowing the expectations of parents, carers and children. Meeting legislative and requirements and following policy and guidelines.
Stakeholders and quality Please complete the task on p99 and share your findings. “…definitions of quality vary and to some extent reflect different perceptions of the individual and society.” (Abbott & Rodger, 1994, p1)
Legislative framework Why is there a need to investigate legislation and guidelines? Protects, governs practice and ensures quality.
Legislative framework As a class, make a list of legislation relating to ee and cc that you use/know about in your settings.
History of legislation Please refer to pages Legislation has come about due to a reaction to an event involving a child. Nurseries and Childminders Act (1948) -Registration, premises requirements, staffing ratios, qualifications and experience ‘fit person’. The Children Act (1989) updated the 1948 Act- UNCRC -Formal early years settings to register with registration and inspection units. Private and voluntary- regulated by local authority. Schools- School Code (1956) amended OSC- Children Act (1989)
Other policy requirements and guidelines? Curriculum for Excellence Birth – 3: Supporting our Youngest Children The Child at the Centre Local Authority policies and other circulars- Can you name any?
Research Task In groups, you will research a piece of legislation, policy or guideline. You are required to find out 1)the main purpose of what you have been asked to research. 2)How it supports quality in ee and cc. 3) Record your findings onto the poster paper provided.