CTE: What Lies Ahead?
Influencers Economy. Competing budget pressures. Global competition.
CTE In The Spotlight Great national interest in CTE National Governors Association National State Boards of Education US Chamber of Commerce National Conference of State Legislatures Achieve National Association of Manufacturers
Why All The Interest? Connect to economic and workforce development Competition Innovation Connect to education reform Multiple pathways with the caveat that we have the same standards for all students!
Meeting Expectations More risk, more reward? What are the expectations? Connections to: Education reform Economic development Workforce development Do expectations vary by audience?
Role of Education SECONDARY Competing priorities? Global competition Standards Connecting K – 12 economic development POSTSECONDARY Cost Responsiveness Accountability Growth of community college baccalaureate and applied baccalaureate.
“Re”Defining CTE The interest in CTE is resulting a “identity crisis” in CTE. Pedagogy –HS reform, increasing academic success Content Job specific Clusters What is different about CTE? Where does CTE fit within postsecondary and lifelong learning?
Career Clusters Curriculum changes Professional development Teacher certification Teacher preparation Alignment between learner levels
Getting Credit! Integrated credit Articulated credit Portability – geographic Portability – to institutions
Our Pipeline Will we have enough teachers, faculty, administrators - leaders? Will they be prepared? How will they stay current?
Financing How is CTE funded in light of a new definition? How to use financing to drive change Economy = no new funding Demand continues to increase – enrollments and competition
Proving It! What do we want to be held accountable for? Validity and reliability of data Demonstrating return on investment Capturing data
Technical Assessments Focus What do we test? How do we test? Cost Making the assessments meaningful
Using Data to Drive Change
Getting The Message Out As much as there is interest from policy organizations, we need widespread change in attitudes and views of CTE.
2008 Election Election politics are in full swing. New Administration brings new priorities.
2008 Election Continuation of NCLB. Supports school choice. Increased accountability. “John McCain will … empower parents by greatly expanding the ability of parents to choose among schools for their children. He believes all federal financial support must be predicated on providing parents the ability to move their children, and the dollars associated with them, from failing schools.” b92d-92bd0d985bca.htm b92d-92bd0d985bca.htm
2008 Election Reform NCLB. A focus on recruiting, retaining and preparing teachers. Make math and science a priority. “He will improve the assessments used to track student progress to measure readiness for college and the workplace and improve student learning in a timely, individualized manner.”
2008 Election End NCLB. Provide opportunity for 1.5 million disconnected youth in job programs linked to high-growth economic sectors. Demonstrated support of CTE.
What Lies Ahead? Incredible opportunity in the face of incredible challenges. “ Think of managing change as an adventure. It tests your skills and abilities. It brings forth talent that may have been dormant. Change is also a training ground for leadership. When we think of leaders, we remember times of change, innovation and conflict. Leadership is often about shaping a new way of life. To do that, you must advance change, take risks and accept responsibility for making change happen." ~ Charles E. Rice, CEO of Barnett BankCharles E. Rice
Thank you! Contact Information: Kimberly Green