October 10, 2012
Start/end on time All technology is on-task Hold each other accountable Dive in to make this your own: no acting Stop and ask your burning questions as we go
Understanding Henry Goal Setting Feedback Gain a better understanding how classroom essentials connect with the CPS Framework for Teaching Understanding by Design- Plan of Action Grade Level Action Plans
O’Hare Network Feedback Next Steps Action Plans, Observations, Instructional Rounds, Teacher Leaders?? Finalize order Understanding by Design CPS Framework for Teaching Classroom Essentials Grade Level Action Plans
Exceeds, Exceeds, Exceeds!
Internet Issues 3rd grade and RtI Intervention Technology Upgrades
◦ Identifying 1 or 2 goals at a time based on evidence not opinion “small bites” ◦ Domain 4d: Professional Responsibilities Growing and Developing Professionally Adapted from Coaching Model by Robert Rembrick
◦ Peer Support and Mentoring ◦ Peer Coaching ◦ Peer Collaboration ◦ Domain 4a: Professional Responsibilities Reflecting on Teaching and Learning Effectiveness, Accuracy, and Use in Future Teaching
ILT and Teacher Leaders ◦ Domain 4d: Professional Responsibilities Growing and Developing Professionally Participation in School Leadership Teams and/or Teacher Teams
Objectives/CCSS - Black Belt Common Core Standards Domain 1d: Planning and Preparation Designing coherent instruction Domain 3(a)(c): Instruction Communicating with students Standards based learning objectives Engaging Students in Learning Standards-Based Learning Objectives and Task Complexity
Authentic work Domain 1e: Planning and Preparation Designing Student Assessment Congruence with Standards-Based Learning Objectives, Levels of Performance and Standards
Word Wall Domain 3c: Instruction Engaging Students in Learning Access to Suitable and Engaging Texts
Schedule(s) Domain 2c: Classroom Environment Managing Classroom Procedures Management of Transitions
15 Common Core: By SY all students will have access to high quality Common Core-aligned curricula as defined by CPS Framework for Content Standards in literacy and mathematics. Framework for Teaching: By SY all educators will be supported by a clear vision for effective instruction as defined by the CPS Framework for Teaching. Full School Day: By SY all students will have time to access core academics, intervention, and enrichment
Novice Apprentice Expert (Self) Expert (Others)
Outcomes: Teachers will… Understand the instructional shifts within the CPS Literacy Content Frameworks. Become acquainted with the big ideas of Understanding by Design (UbD). Develop a preliminary understanding of the Understanding by Design (UbD) Template and to review sample Understanding by Design units in this format. Specify the essential questions and understandings based on the big ideas of a unit.
18 Understanding the level of instruction students need to master these standards Understanding how instructional practice must continually improve in order for all students to access to the standards Understanding the standards Unpacking standards Designing performance assessments and long term plans aligned to the standards. Designing rigorous math tasks reflective of content and practices What we Teach How we Teach CPS Framework for Teaching HOW we teach Common Core State Standards WHAT we Teach
Domain 1: Planning and Preparation Components: ◦ 1a: Demonstrating Knowledge of Content and Pedagogy ◦ 1b: Demonstrating Knowledge of Students ◦ 1c: Selecting Instructional Outcomes ◦ 1d: Designing Coherent Instruction ◦ 1e: Designing Student Assessment
Domain 1: Planning and Preparation Component 1d: Designing Coherent Instruction Elements: ◦ Unit/Lesson design that incorporates knowledge of students and student needs ◦ Unit/Lesson Alignment of standards-based objectives, assessments, and learning tasks ◦ Use of a variety of complex texts, materials, and resources, including technology ◦ Instructional groups ◦ Access for diverse learners
1. The Common Core Standards have new emphases and required a careful reading. 2. Standards are not curriculum. 3. Standards need to be “unpacked”. 4. A coherent curriculum is mapped backwards from desired performances. 5. The Standards come to life through the assessments.
Big Idea #3: Transfer Goals: What do we want students to be able to do when they confront new challenges – both in and outside of school. Reach Performance Tasks: Anchor RL 1: Read closely to determine what the text says explicitly and to make logical inferences from it; cite specific textual evidence when writing or speaking to support conclusions drawn from the text. Anchor W 8: Gather relevant information from multiple print and digital sources, assess the credibility and accuracy of each source, and integrate the information while avoiding plagiarism. Anchor W 9: Draw evidence from literary or informational texts to support analysis, reflection, and research
Determine a grade level topic. Begin the process of Stage 1 in UbD within the Grade Level Meetings and collaborative planning time. “small bites”
Video 1 ◦ Domain 2: The Classroom Environment c. Managing Classroom Procedures Video 2 ◦ Domain 2: The Classroom Environment d. Managing Student Behavior
The right action step is the first domino. Once you knock it down correctly, you’ll see the next domino behind it, and the chain of improvement begins. Core Idea: