1 PFP MSR, 2/14/2011 Particles and Fields Package Monthly Status Review (MSR) February 14, 2011 Dave Curtis, PFP PM
2 PFP MSR, 2/14/2011 SSL Contracting Status Phase B/C/D Contract in place. A budget breakdown by PFP schedule milestone has been submitted to support EVM at GSFC A funded schedule margin budget has been provided to support EVM at GSFC
3 PFP MSR, 2/14/2011 Schedule Status EMs have made a lot of progress this month –All layouts complete, most boards are in test –SWIA/STATIC mechanical making progress, but continues to lag EM Package I&T starts in March with LPW –But does not complete till after instrument CDR (end of May) –SWIA, STATIC calibrations don’t complete till after Package I&T Working around manpower shortages caused by continuing work on other projects (such as RBSP) Some slippage in post-CDR schedule margin, mostly off the critical path. –Due to late EM I&T –Still have 15 weeks of margin to delivery on critical path (Flight Software) –Working on ways to improve margin
4 PFP MSR, 2/14/2011 Manpower RBSP-EFW instrument still not delivered – this month? –Most of the people we need have transitioned 100% –a few still completing other tasks, notably key technicians, QA, power converter test engineer, thermal engineer An issue with RBSP flight hardware lost us a tech and test engineer who looked like they were transferred to MAVEN last month –Worked out a scheme to use campus technician pool Not NASA certified, but can help with EM and GSE Solar Probe Plus is starting to impact a few team members –Looking at ways to share and augment team as needed We are well under planned FTE rate –Mostly due to people splitting time between projects –Plan was based on conservative assumptions about covering people
5 PFP MSR, 2/14/2011 Accomplishments ALL PWBs layed out, many loaded and in test –see below DCB has started test with Boot software –Key element for EM I&T with LM in April Most EM Mechanical parts are in fab –Some part-level design work still in progress on SWIA/STATIC Hope to have most parts out for fab by the end of the month –STATIC EM TOF Acoustics Test this month –STATIC, SWIA grass-roots mass update complete (mass is up) –SEP EM attenuator mechanism in test All required EM EEE parts at SSL All flight Active parts are on order –Passive parts list being updated, ordering in progress –Radiation tests are proceeding well, no show stoppers so far More in instrument sections…
6 PFP MSR, 2/14/2011 Ongoing Work Supporting Project planning process Supporting EMC, Payload, SDT working groups Completing EM board loading Continue EM board testing Completing EM mechanical part drawings, getting parts fabricated Preparing for the start of PF Package EM I&T, LM EM I&T
7 PFP MSR, 2/14/2011 EM Status Summary PFP EM & GSE Layouts –31 total, including GSFC/MAG, LASP/LPW, CESR/SWEA –ALL 31 layouts complete (29 boards fabricated, 22 boards loaded, 8 completed test) PFDPU to Instrument Integration starts soon –LPW delivers first ~3/15, continues through May LM Interface Test preparations (4/5/2011): –DCB board loaded, in software test –Current schedule shows ready by 3/10/2011 for the LM test EM Mechanical parts: –STATIC EM TOF, SWIA Anode/MCP complete, in test –Remaining SWIA, STATIC parts into fab soon –SEP, LPW EM in mechanical in assembly –SWEA EM analyzer, housing ready for electronics integration
8 PFP MSR, 2/14/2011 EM Status
9 PFP MSR, 2/14/2011 PFP RFA Status
10 PFP MSR, 2/14/2011 Trades, Issues HV801 issue still open –Two options: Amptek HV801, Micropac –Amptek delivered some EM HV801s Have parts for EM –Current plan is to buy HV801s from LADEE NMS, who has parts on order they no longer need –Also have an offer of some extra parts from LASP Working on an analysis to decide if the PFDPU mechanical design needs to be augmented to support the PWBs to avoid excessive displacements in vibe –MAG EM PWB has option for a center support, others do not –Looks like we can probably eliminate center support, analysis about ready for review –We recently vibrated the EM DCB (low level sine sweep) to verify resonant frequency and Q: Q higher than expected. Working this into the analysis.
11 PFP MSR, 2/14/2011 Thermal Status Updated Thermal Model delivered We found a discrepancy between this new model and the previous one –Due to use on Black Nickel in SWEA, SWIA, STATIC apertures; lower emissivity that previously modeled –Had to adjust model to maintain temperatures add a radiator area where design was previously blanketed while trying not to impact operational heater requirements –This delayed delivery of the models to LM –LM wants us to reduce the number of nodes in our model. They accepted full models for the PDR delivery Reducing the number of nodes reduces fidelity Reducing the number of nodes will take ~2 weeks.
12 PFP MSR, 2/14/2011 Top Risks P-18, 19, 20 new
13 PFP MSR, 2/14/2011 Risks List
14 PFP MSR, 2/14/2011 PFP Mass Grass-roots mass estimate (including as weighed EM electronics) made for SWEA, SWIA, STATIC SWIA and STATIC mass up –Electronics box walls increased to 100mils for radiation shielding –Enhanced fidelity in analyzer Changes strategy for mass reallocation
15 PFP MSR, 2/14/2011 Mass Tracking Chart
16 PFP MSR, 2/14/2011 PFP Power No significant change to CBE
17 PFP MSR, 2/14/2011 PFP Power Trend
18 PFP MSR, 2/14/2011 PFP Data Rate Per allocations from Bruce
19 PFP MSR, 2/14/2011 Requirements Verification Status Reviewing PFP Functional Requirements (Level 3) – some old requirements need updating Once updated, will start mapping into Verification matrix Need DOORS verification output for ICD and ERD to include in the matrix –ERD and ICD still evolving –When do we snapshot these? Boot software verification has started –against software level 5 requirements, which link back to FRD and ICD.
20 PFP MSR, 2/14/2011 Drawing Status 73% of 647 EM drawings released –SWIA and STATIC mechanical lagging Released EM drawings are draft FM drawings –Typically will not be released for FM fabrication until completion of EM testing –Some are released earlier where risk is low
21 PFP MSR, 2/14/2011 MAVEN Magnetometer Status February 2011 Connerney, Sheppard, Schnurr, Oliversen, Espley, etc.
22 PFP MSR, 2/14/2011 GSFC/MAG - Accomplishments Last Month(s) EM sensor completed & awaiting pigtail installation (cable due/LM). GSE sensor harness fabrication complete. Hypertronics connector breakout PWBs received; awaiting connectors. FPGA design requirements specified; coding initiated on modules. Updated MAG Specification Document/Users Manual. Updated MAG schedule w/ Jim Perry as of Feb 4, MAG Lab staff continued to populate MAVEN FGM MIS Configuration Mgm’t System (mech. drawings, elec. drawings, drawing status lists). Completed VTFMT testing of proportional a/c heater electronics board. Completed revision of a/c heater electronics (ACHE) board. Completed draft parts stress analysis ACHE board. Modified Hypertronics connector alignment fixture (as received from UCB) to fit EM magnetometer analog/digital (MAD) board.
23 PFP MSR, 2/14/2011 Near Term Plans & Open Issues Awaiting delivery of EM magnetometer analog/digital (MAD) board (expected presently). Continue MAG software requirements discussion w/UCB. Design and build connector bracket for analog/digital board sensor interface connector. Continue winding FM sensor ring cores, feedback/sense bobbins, per technician availability; fabricate sensor assembly terminal boards. Complete version 1 of MAG FPGA. Functional test and tune of MAG analog & digital (MAD) board. Draft parts stress analysis & worst case analysis of MAD board. Complete analysis of proposed roll capability. Complete more detailed thermal analysis for sensor assembly. Still working to get Steve Himes (Code 302) assigned for MAG QA. Need movement on parts acquisition (Code 562) for some long lead parts.
24 PFP MSR, 2/14/2011 MAVEN MAG Schedule - 1 Updated – 02/04/2011
25 PFP MSR, 2/14/2011 MAVEN PFP SWIA Status February 2011 Jasper Halekas, SWIA Lead
26 PFP MSR, 2/14/2011 SWIA Progress Electrical Progress –Anode board loaded and tested, adding mechanical clamp parts –Digital board loaded, in testing –Preamp/MCP loaded on preamp half Fixing mis-loaded connectors, then testing alone and with digital HV side still being kitted –LVPS loaded except for magnetics, waiting for testing –Sweep PWB due back from fab this week, being kitted in parallel Mechanical Progress –Supporting MCP testing, building MCP stack and test fixture –Producing fabrication drawings for E-box –Final detailing on analyzer design –Most parts should be out for fabrication by the end of the month Detector Progress –MCP facility ready, building MGSE, in testing in next few weeks
27 PFP MSR, 2/14/2011 SWIA Issues Staffing –Technician time for loading boards, building harnessing, winding of magnetics, etc. very limited Sending out some harnessing fabrication jobs Farming out some technician tasks to campus Resources –May be some mass growth when latest rollup complete PDR design had insufficient wall thickness (shielding) Probable delta of a few hundred grams
28 PFP MSR, 2/14/2011 SWIA Hardware Loaded Preamp Board 4.5” 3.7” MCP Clamp Stack Parts
29 PFP MSR, 2/14/2011 MAVEN PFP SWEA Status February 2011 Dave Mitchell, SWEA Lead
30 PFP MSR, 2/14/2011 SWEA Status, CESR (IRAP) EM sensor assembled, functional tests complete and under review. –Black nickel chosen to coat deflectors, toroidal grids, and external surfaces (to be done in U.S. by Anoplate; SSL has quote). –Cu 2 S selected to coat interior of hemispheres and central part of top cap (to be done in France). –Transformers fab & test in progress, to be completed by Feb. 21. –FM Mechanical on track to complete part level fabrication by Feb.18 EM sensor in vacuum chamber 10 cm
31 PFP MSR, 2/14/2011 SWEA Status, EM - SSL Mechanical –Pedestal fabrication and test fitting complete, ready to assemble when boards available. –Rest of SSL EM refurbished and tested. –Purge port to be clocked ~10 o on FM (no impact to CESR design) LVPC –PWB fab complete. –Magnetics winding in progress. Digital –PWB fab complete and loaded. –FPGA implementation done. –Board in test. SWEA Pedestal SWEA Digital purge port bracket
32 PFP MSR, 2/14/2011 MAVEN PFP STATIC Status February 2011 Jim McFadden, STATIC Lead
33 PFP MSR, 2/14/2011 STATIC Accomplishments Carbon foil floating automated Carbon foil scanner shown capable of determining foil thickness, identifying foil tears, and contamination from bits of foil (see photo) Procedure established for carbon foil frame cleaning to remove carbon foils that do not pass inspection allowing re-use of frames Carbon foil documentation procedures established EM Anode and Preamp board in test EM Digital board and daughter board loaded (see photo) and in test EM TDC board fabricated (see photo) EM HV Sweep PCB fabricated (see photo) EM LVPS loaded except magnetics. All mechanical parts for acoustic test are fabricated except MCP clamping springs TOF subassembly parts cleaned and assembled for acoustic test Clean-room (320) functional - ready for use during analyzer assembly Old vacuum calibration chamber readied for EM vacuum testing
34 PFP MSR, 2/14/2011 Carbon Foil Inspections Tears in foil are easily identified Contamination from bits of carbon foil floating under the grid frame and attaching to the bottom creating a double foil. New frame mounting holders under development should eliminate problem. Foil coverage and inspection can be automated with scanner tools. 1 cm
35 PFP MSR, 2/14/2011 STATIC EM Digital Board and Daughter
36 PFP MSR, 2/14/2011 STATIC EM TDC (left) and Sweep HV
37 PFP MSR, 2/14/2011 STATIC Open Issues Carbon foil frames need to be placed in TOF units for acoustic test. Mounting fixtures for handling flight carbon foil frames need to be fabricated to prevent small bits of carbon foil from attaching to the bottom of frame Low yield problems with floating 0.5 ug/cm 2 carbon foils (bad foil batches) – we ordered higher cost foils deposited on mica, rather than glass slides, to test for quality differences Additional equipment for clean-room 320 needed (cabinets, tables, etc) EM HV Sweep board being kitted, shield wall design in process EM TDC board being kitted 15kV-MCP board needs to be kitted - waiting on HV connectors, mechanical parts. STATIC FPGA still in development (EM version ready for test) LVPS needs magnetics (transformers) loaded and tested (Berg). Analyzer and mechanical attenuator still in development Some test harnesses and test cables need to be fabricated
38 PFP MSR, 2/14/2011 MAVEN PFP SEP Status February, 2011 Davin Larson, SEP Lead
39 PFP MSR, 2/14/2011 SEP Accomplishments Mechanical attenuator tests started. –First testing using GSE (MISG) – GSE working properly. –Initial assembly had micro-switch mis-aligned which resulted in failure on first overnight test because attenuator got caught in a position with both switches open. –Micro-switches re-aligned, ready for retest – but not yet retested. –Resolved questions about plunger force. Silicon detectors are diced and tested. To be delivered in mounting stack by Craig Tindall next week. DAP board stuffed with parts (2 channels only) Some parts (OP462) were not stuffed by digi-com but were inserted at SSL. FPGA design in delivery. Expect visit from Jianxen Chen on 02/18. Mechanical parts have arrived. ETU#1 partially assembled DFE light tight Test box/cable in assembly (rework actually)
40 PFP MSR, 2/14/2011 MAVEN PFP DCB, Power Converter & GSE Status February 2011 Dorothy Gordon Timothy Quinn Peter Berg
41 PFP MSR, 2/14/2011 DCB Status DCB ETU Testing All subsystems except the FLASH Memory have been exercised o Analog Housekeeping, SRAM, EEPROM, S/C Interface verified o FLASH memory test/verification awaiting next FPGA release Integrated with S/C Simulator and GSEOS o In use for Flight Software Test/Development DCB FPGA FLASH Memory subsystem in development, expected to be included in the next release (estimated for mid-February) Work continues on the FPGA Simulation Environment o enhanced to run c programs on the FPGA based Coldfire CPU o Increased level of complexity and randomness
42 PFP MSR, 2/14/2011 GSE Hardware/Firmware Status All 12 MISG-GSE enclosures have been completed –Three systems (boxed) delivered and in use for instrument test –Three MISGs in use in “single-board” mode –Six MISG boards awaiting test/verification MISG FPGA – Instrument Mode –CDI Command Receiver completed –CDI Instrument Message Simulator in development
43 PFP MSR, 2/14/2011 GSE Software Status (1) Delivered first version of SSG software –In use for Flight Software Development First Revision of the PFDPU GSEOS installed –Commands path verified via ETU DCB –DCB Telemetry received and parsed by GSEOS Actuator Testing - Control software developed and integrated with the MISG for SMA test/characterization
44 PFP MSR, 2/14/2011 GSE Software Status (2) First Revision of the SWIA GSEOS delivered SWIA Digital Board under test with MISG and SWIA GSEOS
45 PFP MSR, 2/14/2011 Power Converter Status (1) REG board –Population in progress, including rework at Digicom to install correct PC104 connectors –GSFC to wind some of the magnetic components Magnetics have been identified and specified We are in the process of getting cores shipped to GSFC LVPS Test Fixtures have been designed –Includes REG, SWIA, SWEA, and STATIC –REG board tester parts are being purchased
46 PFP MSR, 2/14/2011 Power Converter Status (2) IIB board –Layout and Fabrication complete –At Alpha Tech for assembly All other supplies except the STATIC ACC+MCP supplies are back from preliminary assembly at Digicom
47 PFP MSR, 2/14/2011 MAVEN PFP Flight Software Status February Peter Harvey
48 PFP MSR, 2/14/2011 Boot Status Interface Documents, Meetings Met with LM Software Simulation (1/11) Reviewed updated Spacecraft-PFDPU ICD (v 1/17/11)(PDR+8mo) Reviewed updated DFB specification (v 1/17) Reviewed updated MAG specification Reviewed updated DCB specification (Rev I) IV&V Revisited IV&V comments w.r.t Boot Implemented all Boot-related IV&V actions (11 of 32) Most difficult: MAVEN-IVV-1284 : L5 has No Fault Protection requirements FSW Development Revised Boot to Have SC ICD IP Source/Destination Codes (1/17/11 ICD) Revised the IO module to meet revised DCB rev I specification Rewrote IO module code to meet DCB rev I DWC directive “Boot should know nothing about the instruments” Split Boot and Op into separate developments, separate SVN directories Simplified Boot program: If EEPROM does not load, then Safe Instruments Developed RelativeTime Sequence for Boot (Reviewed with Team on 1/31/11) Completed Boot FSW (61 requirements) for test (1/26/11) Test Status Boot FSW Began Test 1/27/11 Interrupts Verified Telemetry (Alive messages) received/stored/displayed in GSEOS Issues coming up DCB ETU modifications in progress now Vibration test of the DCB – end of the week [Complete 2/8] April – Interface test with LM can’t delay much (NB: Boston Marathon 4/18)
49 PFP MSR, 2/14/2011 Metrics Chart
50 PFP MSR, 2/14/2011 Margin Chart
51 PFP MSR, 2/14/2011 Fever Chart 1.FSW Requirements changes in the works 2.Telemetry Specification changes in the works 3.DCB ETU board currently in checkout 4.DCB GSE not yet developed