The Importance of High Expectations Oregon GEAR UP Professional Development for Educators
COLLEGE It’s not a dream, it’s a plan.
GEAR UP’s Model
As a school and as a staff, how do we define high expectations? How are we currently communicating high expectations to students, parents and staff?
Great Teachers…
In the video, teachers and students share how students rise to meet challenges when their teachers hold high expectations. How does this translate throughout our school/district?
GEAR UP Survey Data Expectations for College Attainment YOUR SCHOOL DATA HERE
Summarize the expectations of college attainment for each group surveyed (students, educators and parents). What, if anything, surprised you? What strategies or messaging would encourage all students to develop high expectations for college attainment?
Southern Regional Education Board A Culture of High Expectations: 1.Implements classroom motivation and management plans. 2.Implements instructional plans for bell-to-bell teaching. 3.Organizes and arranges classrooms to spur productivity. 4.Establishes high academic standards. 5.Communicates expectations to students and their families. 6.Actively engages each student in instructional tasks. 7.Keeps students on target by using high interest, high value tasks. 8.Provides specific feedback about progress to students. 9.Adopts grading practices that communicate high expectations. 10. Deals with severe behavior immediately.
On SREB’s list of 10 strategies present in a culture of high expectations, which one does our school/district excel at? Which strategy needs more attention?
What supports do we need to put in place in order to translate these classroom strategies into a school/district-wide culture of high expectations?
What is one thing you commit to doing differently as a result of these discussions?
Southern Regional Education Board Evaluation
COLLEGE It’s not a dream, it’s a plan.